With the introduction of level 250 job perks, most perks have their uses but not this one.
Allow me to explain;
Being able to find slime chunks the easy way is great but is it really a good idea to have this as a level 250 perk?
To find slime chunks, all you have to do is dig a huge area below Y:40 and fence out the chunks. Besides, farms like these heavily rely on the mobcap. With the players not having to worry about anti afk, people would be loading caves and areas that will greatly impact the spawn rates. Thus having just 1-3 players in an area where cave systems and surroundings aren't lit up will completely stop the farms working.
This makes the level 250 hunter perk utterly useless. Especially how hard it is to reach level 250.
Honestly, level 100 hunter perk is way more useful than this. It's supposed to be a game changer but not game breaking at all.
Here are the ideas that might actually be worth it to be a level 250 perk;
1. The ability to turn even the most powerful and hostile creatures into spawn eggs. (Enderdragon/Wither)
2. /spawner Enderman/Blaze or Animals. For those of you who weren't here when this was a thing, it basically changed your type of spawner into a different type. You need a spawner to use this command. This also allows you to hit 2 birds in one stone as you managed to bring back an Ultimate perk, but also provided a perk to look forward to after level 100 hunter.
3. Turn off hostile mob spawning in Towny and have the farm plots be used as a grinder. /plot toggle mobs will work with this. This would also mean that farm plots will have a use and not just aesthetic. This would also reduce unnecessary lag created by mobs aimlessly walking around waiting for clearlag to despawn them.
The end game perk that hunters have now seemed to be rushed and like it wasn't looked into in the long run.