hello and welcome back to the cooey3 chronicles we made it to double number 10 epic
[SIZE=4]last time we ask "do you like minecraft bee"[/SIZE]
[SIZE=4]no wins with 6 votes as opposed to yes which has 3 votes
thank you for vote like htis
today we ask poll favorite nether tree make sure to vote for the correct answer
Epic (and not so epic) thing tha happen to day[/SIZE]
[SIZE=7][SIZE=4]i am happy to annoucne that the free bryce movement has been completed and @Pmx728 is back ont he server[/SIZE]
[SIZE=4]unfortunately today we lost some great warriors including cooey3 @Meznik and @MegaStufOreo [/SIZE]
[SIZE=4]emerproemnznik has been permanently banana and cooey3 and megastuf have been permanently muted [/SIZE]
[SIZE=4]free cooey3 free emperormeznik free megastuf[/SIZE]
[SIZE=7][SIZE=4][SIZE=7][SIZE=4]sikh is religion that come from india[/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE]
[SIZE=4][SIZE=7][SIZE=4]head of sikhism is the great jagmeet singh canadian member of parliament [/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE]
happy canada day
make sure to vote jagmeet he has large beard
Walter fish[/SIZE]
[SIZE=7][SIZE=4]everyone fish[/SIZE]
[SIZE=4][SIZE=7]Other picture [/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE]
@Meznik rocking full netherrite armor in his village
@Pmx728 after being freed
Interview with megastuf the oreo
[SIZE=4]megastuf is an oreo[/SIZE]
[SIZE=4]Hello are you ready for the interview?[/SIZE]
[SIZE=4]How do you like the cooey3 chronicles?[/SIZE]
[SIZE=4]they are so good very sexy i like to read 10 times a day[/SIZE]
[SIZE=4]What is your favorite part of the cooey3 chronicles?[/SIZE]
[SIZE=4]I like reading about homer455 he is so amazing and beautiful[/SIZE]
[SIZE=4]Are you aware that homer455 likes men?[/SIZE]
[SIZE=4]unfortunately yes[/SIZE]
[SIZE=4]i turn a blind eye because he is so hot[/SIZE]
[SIZE=4]Are you having a good Canada day?[/SIZE]
[SIZE=4]i am in america but yes[/SIZE]
[SIZE=4]America > Canada?[/SIZE]
[SIZE=4]Why? [/SIZE]
[SIZE=4]That is fair.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=4]Thank you for the interview Megastuf is there anything else you would like to add?[/SIZE]
[SIZE=4]cooey3 is a very sexy man[/SIZE]
[SIZE=4]thank you[/SIZE]
[SIZE=7][SIZE=4]today is canada day[/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE]
[SIZE=4][SIZE=7][SIZE=4]What is canada day?[/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE]
[SIZE=4][SIZE=7][SIZE=4]like america day but worse cause its canada[/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE]
[SIZE=4][SIZE=7][SIZE=4]How old is canada[/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE]
[SIZE=4]153 years that is even older than the queen of england[/SIZE]
[SIZE=4]How does canada[/SIZE]
[SIZE=4]yes it is country and it is above united state[/SIZE]
[SIZE=4]how many canada [/SIZE]
[SIZE=4]37.59 million[/SIZE]
[SIZE=4]thank you for this cooey3 chronicle so glad we are able to celebrate big #10 [/SIZE]
[SIZE=4]thank you for watching this episode of cooey3 chronicles
like comment subscribe for more thinking in thoughts and enlightenment
the next issue of the cooey3 chronicles will be released when I feel like itThis issue was created by:@cooey [/SIZE]