Towny War Suggestions
I was wondering about towny war, and the thought came to mind that to my knowledge there would only be one type of war. Wars would no doubtedly be fun, but I think you can spice it up a bit. I’ve got some different war ideas here to add some depth to it.
Tributary - A town declares war on another town and wants to vassalize them. As a tributary, if the attackers win the war and successfully make the enemy town resign, they will pay taxes to their overlord. The tributary would pay a set amount of money to their overlords based on their resident count. Just doing it by bank is easily manipulated and severely hurts smaller towns. The town would pay 10-20 Skulls each day to their overlord per resident. This would incentivize attacking larger and more worthwhile towns. It would also not really hurt smaller towns. Take a 3-5 player town for example, if they’re a tributary, oh well, 30-100 skulls a day. As a larger town though, take an 80 resident town, they would have to pay 800-1,600 Skulls a day. It doesn’t sound like much, but over time it would add up.
Okay, but what about if a town loses but wants to not be a tributary anymore? Well, they obviously lost so they’d get a buff. I’m thinking maybe permanent resistance 1 or something (I don’t know how much that affects it, you could do something else less dramatic) through the duration of the war. If the tributary successfully wins, they will no longer have to pay tribute to anyone and couldn’t become a tributary for 2 or even 3 weeks so they aren’t instantly attacked again. If they lose, then they unsuccessfully went to war and also lost quite a bit of gear doing it.
Ransack - A nation declares war on a town/nation. They aren’t doing it for anything except stealing money from another town. Unlike tributaries where you gain money overtime, this would be a revolt-free war (if you win, obviously) that would gain you some money in the short term. Ransack would have a base money guarantee of 2k, then 30 skulls per player. This would make it worth a little more to attack smaller towns (like ransacking would be in real life, kind of). Take the 3 pop town and 80 pop town example again. If you attack a small town, you get 2,090 skulls flat out instead of just 30 skulls a day. If you attack the 80 pop town, you get 4.4k out of their bank but it also might not be worth the risk to attack them.
Here’s an idea to make it more like ‘ransacking’. Once you declare war on the town, both sides have 24 hours to prepare for the assault then for 12 hours after the prep time, the attack unfolds. Whoever has the highest kills, will win. Obviously, this doesn’t take into account spawn camping which hopefully won’t be a problem with the invincibility. If the defenders win, the attackers will have to pay them the amount of money the defenders would have lost. This option would be available, say every 1-2 weeks.
Animosity - This is kind of “suck it, we win” but also has some things that will harm the losers. The plot upkeep of the defender town if they lose the war will be upped by 5-10 for 1 week. Again, probably won’t be worth your time to attack smaller towns.
Also… put the losers in the next Meeptimes under a small section? Haha.. just kidding (unless?) :shame:
Conquer - This one is presumably the normal towny war they were going to implement, and honestly, I have no idea how you would do this. This is up to the developers, but it’s still a war type that would be interesting to have.
Of course, all of these are just ideas that I think would be cool to implement. All of these numbers I just made up in about 10 minutes and they’d definitely have to be thought out more if any of these were to be actually implemented.
Special Thanks to @MegaStufOreo for helping me create this