This is such a short sighted suggestion.
You have to remember that we are playing extreme and resources are quite limited here so mending is a vital part of the game. We don't even know if we will ever get that towny regeneration lol.
~ @Ace
We survived 7 years without mending. And resources are hardly limited. There is nothing you cannot obtain in the game even if you spend really little time playing.
People could literally farm this all day with iron set. Upgrading your set isn't even hard once you get access to villagers.
~ @Ace
This doesn't go against my point so I am not sure why its here. I thought you were fighting for how mending is useful not for how you don't need it?
Have you ever looking into 1.16 which will most likely the version Meep will be using? That update along with the past updates would devalue a lot of things (Including Diamond).
~ @Ace
So why does this mean we need to keep mending? And 1,16 is not here so there is no purpose of using it as an argument, you have no idea when or if we even will upgrade.
Honestly the entire suggestion seems like a complaint because "mY ShOp IsN'T dOiNG wElL aNyMoRe"
~ @Ace
Since you bring my shop up... It happens to work perfectly and is really helpful to the server in my humble opinion. Not sure why you are hating on my shop, seems like a personal attack.
Killed him a couple of times after he went and kill freshly joined players. He loves mending btw.
~ @Ace
Yet another comment that has nothing to do with why we should keep mending, you have killed me 1 time while i was in regular diamond armor running to kill my wither that killed me. Not after i killed "freshly joined players" stop trying to seem like some white knight lol. nice brag?
That's probably because you are suggesting to remove a core game mechanic?
~ @Ace
for good reason.
These are the points you neglected because you didn't even bother doing your own research before suggesting this.
Here are the villager trades past 1.14.
Here's the bartering list of 1.16 a new mechanic being added.
Although this was patched, here's a video of how easily exploitable the new Bartering system is. I suggest not underestimating these guys just because a method got patched.
This is not just because of mending but also because of having access to villagers. Refer to the trading guide above to see why removing mending is bad.
Honestly enabling PVP in the world would be a better idea than this crap.
~ @Ace
This has nothing to do with extreme at all, none of this in in the game and does not show that mending is helpful in anyway.
Your suggestion reeks with the smell of greed wanting to capitalize on removing a core game mechanic that would only provide a temporary solution but will greatly damage the server/gamemode in the long run.
~ @Ace
You have yet to make a single point showing why we need to keep mending, others have made good points and other suggestions of how to fix the problem of undervalued items and you have jsut spouted pointless future mechanics that may never even come. Get off my thread, you arnt here to help the server succeed you are here to make personal attacks.
Your suggestion reeks with the smell of greed wanting to capitalize on removing a core game mechanic that would only provide a temporary solution but will greatly damage the server/gamemode in the long run.
~ @Ace
Last time we removed mending, it dropped the value of diamonds considerably (with no increase in sales volume, as tracked by both vshop logs and checking physical chestshops since there was little direct player to player transactions happening) because people simply quit doing anything that would wear down their gear.
~ @CluelessKlutz
This was also during a time where people had already had everything in the game and there was no incentive of gathering items since the server was more of a social server at the time.
I'd much rather wind up PvP in the server to encourage burnout of gear faster. You're way more likely to lose armor if it gets broken in a PvP fight than by running out of durability in everyday use.
~ @CluelessKlutz
ME TOO, but you have lacked to give you position on where the server is going in regards to pvp being on or not.
Ultimately your problem is that there isn't enough demand at your shop. There are two solutions for this: 1.) have some way that players lose items and thus need to create new ones (pvp, towny raids, etc.) or 2.) have new players join the server. Both of these would cause the value of items to go up. Right now the 10 players always online are wealthy individuals sitting in their towns who have no reason to buy new stuff. Having some way to remove those items or having a new stream of players needing items would create that demand. Not going full school shooter with the nerf gun like meep has always done.
~ @Epicdude141
This isnt about my shop, I just want to increase item value on the worlds number 1 economy server