Welcome to The MeepTimes, the twice-monthly update to keep the community in the loop with what’s new, behind the scenes, and in the works.
Server Updates
Grace Period
A 60 second death grace period has been added to help limit spawn camping. However, the grace will be lifted if you open a container or hit another player.
Pyramid Dungeon
Venture through the Ever-shifting maze and climb your way to a battle of triumph with the newly released Pyramid Dungeon!
New Donor Lounge
Please welcome the new and improved donor lounge, built by @andrewrobins , @teddypines , and @Adrian .
/warp Arcade
Check out the brand new /warp Arcade, built by @teddypines !
Spawn Maze
The trampoline park has been replaced by the 2012 ice maze, with the second level done in barriers!
Extreme Spawn
The ability to /warp extreme within the Extreme world has been removed, however scaffolding has been added to the south side of the spawn so that players can still get inside.
Forum Logo Link
The MeepCraft logo at the top of the page was changed to return you to the forums homepage instead of the homepage.
Use /quest to see the stage of the quest you’re on - an eye-friendly alternative to /quests journal.
Bugs Squashed
The Mountain Dungeon Blacksmith had escaped from his post, but has now been dragged back.
Recently Accepted Suggestions
The meepcraft.com dynmap page will have tabs for the Classic and Extreme towny maps.
Censored Words
Additional words will be removed from the chat filter.
Community/Server Events
Bi-weekly Updates
Stay in-the-loop on discord to be on top of the Friday updates that bring new dungeons, fresh mechanics, and bring back old games.
On the 28th of April Meepcrafter’s @_Dragon_Killer_ and twister307 officially opened MeepMall! This gave players the opportunity to trade with each other at one easy-to-find location. Many people have taken advantage of this wonderful opportunity, so much so that the owners have to expand everyday to keep up with shop demand. We look forward to seeing its further expansion.
MeepTimes Contests
In this section, the community will get a chance to participate in a quick contest in each MeepTimes! There will be a 25,000 meeble or 4,000 skull prize (from the MeepTimes writers) the person with the best answer, chosen by the Meeptimes team. To be entered, just reply to the thread with an answer! Winner will be paid with the release of the next MeepTimes.
The question for this issue is: What is the story behind your username, past or present?
The winner to last edition’s Meeptimes contest was @Jwarian , who submitted a beautiful photo of a sunset over the coast! See everyone’s submissions here.
The Project: Towny Extreme
The main feature of the revamp, Towny Extreme, is a unique take on towny. With custom mobs, dungeons, turrets, Extreme's gameplay is both difficult and unique to Meep. With plenty of content to come, we talked to @CluelessKlutz about the creation of Extreme and its future plans.
Where did the initial idea for Extreme come from? What were some of the major changes made during the development process?
The initial idea of Extreme actually came about halfway into the planning stage of the revamp. I've studied game design for about 2 and a half years now. One of the primary design philosophies of creating a multiplayer game is using your game as the platform that encourages player interaction - not the point of interaction between the game and the player. If you look at a game like World of Warcraft, it would not need any fundamental changes to be turned into a singleplayer game, and I think that's a shame. On the other hand, a game like Overwatch would be empty without its multiplayer. Thus a new world would need to draw its content from forcing players to interact with each other rather than with the server. When I really considered Meep's history with PvP and the possibilities of Towny, I returned to my roots in a way. See, before playing on MeepCraft, I was a hardcore factions player. Therefore, the idea formulated out of the idea of pushing player's to the limits of what they can do in a way which forced player interaction.
How has Extreme evolved since its release? What prompted those changes?
Extreme changed significantly many times during its development. In one of the early iterations, it was called hardcore, and was a towny world in which a death would prevent you from rejoining the server until you bought your way back in using Meebles from the existing economy. While it was a neat idea, it really just meant the richest towny players would have infinite lives while new players couldn't join unless they established themselves twice. Another major iteration had a custom Nether with collapsing tunnels and roaming blazes. This was changed after finding out about the Minecraft 1.16 nether update. Another iteration after the name change to Extreme had freaking tanks to use in towny war, but were removed as they didn't really feel like Minecraft. While Extreme does have some custom items, it was very important to retain the feeling of vanilla Minecraft with added difficulty.
What is your favorite feature of Towny Extreme and why?
Easily the dungeons; part of my real life studies are in game design purely for personal interest, so I've been studying that for around 3 years now. Part of any good game is a boss fight, which led to the idea of creating dungeons as a gauntlet of sorts.
What did you find most difficult or surprising about Extreme?
Honestly, the ore gen was the biggest surprise. I hadn't even considered it until release and no one could find any resources.
In Towny Extreme you have not been playing as a normal player, how has this been? What have been some of the highlights you’ve seen ?
It's been quite a chance, that's for sure. Frankly I'm glad I didn't even try. It currently takes more of my time to just keep things moving forward in development of Extreme than I could reasonably balance with trying to get ahead in the game were I playing myself. Ideally, I'd like to be able to return to Towns again and keep building up Legend as my own personal project. It's also been a lot of fun to take a step back from pushing myself to be #1 town or something and enjoying what players can come up with to conquer the challenges of extreme.
With loads of content yet to come, what has you most excited about the future of Towny Extreme?
Extreme isn't just a world to facilitate PvP - but a world with a rich history. Throughout my years growing up, I always loved worldbuilding and storytelling. I fell in love with enormous universes with rich tapestries of lore and a feeling of being connected like Star Wars and Middle Earth. Extreme's tapestry of a story and lore has already started and while the initial story of slaying the dragon is meant to be interpreted as satirical, the lore behind it is not. This sort of early days of Extreme is really just the setup for the larger story while we find our footing in the dungeon design.
Storytime with the Crew ft. Projekt: M
We’re proud to feature our media team's recent work! Please enjoy Projekt: M’s newest releases: Mountain and Ocean Dungeon!
Created by: @Blazetop , @Sqreix , @Rattle189 , @Jesterical , and @Yoshirowo .
Additional actors: @Summers , @Katronica2 , @Natsu , @VKL_ReWinDzz , @Jakersf
Humans of MeepCraft ft. @legendcaleb
Caleb turns in a porcupine as he fights off hoards of desert raiders. When did you first join Meep?
I joined in August of 2012 - very early. I’d just always come back if my friends were playing. For a while they weren’t, but they are now, so I’m back as well.
You’re probably most well-known as a pvper. What made you get into pvp?
It took me a while to get to the point where I enjoyed it.There was a very vibrant scene for me on some other servers, but I mostly stuck around because of the competition and the prizes. The pvp community, they're all so toxic, man. I was definitely a part of that scene, and I can't turn a blind eye to my toxic past. It's not a fun environment. You spend three minutes clicking on someone, it becomes personal.
Do you remember any specific fights?
I remember fighting one guy named Dante - he plays overwatch professionally now - and he was very well-known even then. It was such a close fight, but I won by a narrow margin.
Did you coordinate your and SuperVladimir’s names?
Oh, that’s completely coincidental. We met before name changes were a thing. Only noticed a few years after knowing each other. However, we did change our names later for a while to girl names so that people would think we're bad at pvp and fight us. We got a few people to fall victim to us.
You were a helper at one point. What was that like?
Being a helper made me feel useful. I caught a lot of pvp hackers. I loved making snarky comments to cheaters right before I banned them. It was a lot of work though, a lot of documentation for all the bans.
What’s a memorable moment from Extreme?
Other than Clue killing me by spawning in an unbeatable boss, I loved our first raid on Legion.It was before Legion had completed its walls. My town went to kill them and we succeeded fairly easily. Then everyone in my group had to go except me and jupi. The two of us walked off into the distance for a bit and when we came back Legion already had walls - that's how fast they built them - so we were just camping outside. We weren’t paying attention, and they all decided to jump on us. I'm close to dying, and I'm running away, and I look behind me and they're still chasing me but they're far off so I have time to eat some and drink a potion and then me and jupi 12 v 2 them.
Why are all of your texture packs bad?
Now that’s a very subjective and biased question. But, to be fair, they are meant for pvp, they’re not good for much else.The only things I value in a texture pack are a good-looking sword, good armor, good pots, and particles and sky.
The skies are bad though
What are some of your hobbies?
I did theater when I was in high school, that was really fun for me. I was never a theater kid, but I really loved doing the shows. My high school was small, so a lot of the kids doing theater weren't theater kids, they were just my friends. I was originally going to do baseball because that’s what all of my friends were going to do, but one of my friends dropped it and I didn't want to play baseball alone. I still needed an extracurricular, and I knew my brother had done theater for a while, so I wanted to try it out as well.
What was your most memorable show?
I did a musical when I was a sophomore. I ended up being the lead, even though I wasn’t cast for it. They ended up without a lead and needed one, so I offered myself up. That was really difficult to do, I was never a really good singer. I really liked it in the end, even though it was so different from all my other shows. The musical was based off of a movie called the Big Fish, and I was a guy named Will Bloom - at least I think his name was Will - who listened to his dying eccentric father talk about all the crazy stories from his youth.
Do you have any other hobbies?
I'm teaching myself piano. It's one of the only instruments I like playing. I have a ukulele, but I can’t figure out string instruments. I don’t know where all the strings are. I think I can do more with a piano - all the keys are right in front of you.
You’re in college now?
I just finished my first year of college, I'm going to the university of zoom.
Do you know what you’re going to major in?
I think I'm going to major in actuarial science. It's kind of like accounting. I determine how likely you're going to die soon, and then base your insurance off of that. It's kind of morbid but it makes a lot of money. I might have gone into engineering, but I’m going to a very good business school that doesn’t have an engineering program. I like engineering because math is good - this is cliche but there’s always an answer in math. I would try in history or English, and I’d still get bad grades. Once, I worked so much on an essay, and I got a C on it. The next time, I didn’t put any effort into one, and I got a 92. It makes no sense.
How has life changed for you since you’ve started college?
I guess for me, I wasn't really worried about making friends in college, my biggest worry was motivation. One of the hardest things I had to get used to with college was managing my own schedule. My professors would post assignments online, but they wouldn't talk about it in class, so I would often find out too late about assignments. But, the parties and the dorms have been a good experience for me.
Do you have any pets?
I had a pet pig named Hayward. The first two questions people would always ask how big he was and whether we'd eat him. And, we had to register him as a dog with the Homeowner’s Association because they wouldn’t allow farm animals.
What’s a movie that you’d recommend?
I don’t watch a lot of movies, but I really liked Gladiator, and Pirates of the Caribbean was good. Have you seen Parasite? That a really funny movie.
Welcomes and Farewells
We would like to welcome @BooBear1227 back to the team as Helper!
Congratulations to @Doctor_HarD on Trial Architect!
Social Media!
Be sure to follow us/subscribe to all of our social media platforms to get sneak peaks and be kept up to date on all things Meep!
Get involved with the MeepTimes
We welcome you to participate in the Meeptimes! Submit a cover photo or community event for a chance to get 10,000 meebles or 1,000 skulls, or a story for the chance to win 25,000 meebles or more 4,000 skulls, if the content is used. To submit entries for the next release of the Meeptimes, send a private message in-game, over forums, on discord to @qazini .
Happy Meeping!
The next issue of The MeepTimes will be released May 15th 2020. See you then!