I'll just kind of go in order here, these are very good suggestions.
1. Trade chat specific to worlds
This is doable--I'll kick it to the staff team. Expect updates on this thread so we can work out some of the mechanics because there are a couple ways we could do this. We're actually in the middle of adding some things to the plugin anyhow so it shouldn't be much of an issue.
2./wtoggle /trtoggle
So, I can look into the /wtoggle option, not sure if it's specifically the same plugin since that one's not cross-server. As for the /trtoggle option, there is a /ttoggle option that should be available for you--if you can't access it, let me know because it might be a perm issue.
3. Alliance chat
We have an extreme nation chat (/enc) option (as you mentioned) so I don't see this one being made because we don't want to deincentivize the building of nations. However, party chats can still be made.
4. Also while you’re at it please fix /ignore some people are just a pain in chat
Does this one straight-up not work correctly?
5. Remove caps filter
I'll kick this one to staff--but if we did anything like this we'd probably need to implement something that would discourage spam. I'm open to suggestions on this.