Member Name ekjhgekuie
Additional In Game Names: Estekan
How old are you? 17
Location: USA: District of Columbia and New Mexico
Do you have Discord? Yes: Shangool Mangool#4458
How many hours per day do you spend on Meepcraft? (average) 1
Have you ever been a Tech on a different server? Yes, I have developed plugins for my own server
References: Please give IGN's
Introduction: Hello
I am a student in year one of a two year program before university. I attend boarding school in New Mexico. I am from Pennsylvania/Maryland (outside of Washington DC). My broad interests are computer science, data science, economics, options, and politics. I have played Meepcraft on and off for more than five years.
In this moment I am at home in Pennsylvania under a stay at home order. This has not hindered me from engaging with my interests. I have found that I have even more time than ever during this lockdown to develop software and read the news, which are two interests that I did not have much time for while I was away at school.
Please describe your experience as a developer. I have studied computer science for a few years now. At my old school, I took college courses in computer science. I am not able to take these courses at my new institution, but I maintain my skills and continue to study the field. I used to be quite interested in theory (e.g. algorithm design) but I have moved to a more practical approach and study of software development. This approach has more applications in the world outside of academia. For example, on a Minecraft server.
My primary development-related interests are in NLP and financial applications of software. I have developed numerous pieces of software that aid me in the creation and backtesting of financial models. This is my favorite software to develop.
I have also done work in the area of mental health. This past semester I launched a startup which helps employers understand losses in productivity ($$$) due to mental health issues in employees.
Finally, I have developed some Bukkit plugins. One of them is a gambling plugin and the other is a vchest plugin (portable chest GUIs).
What programming languages are you familiar with? Python, Java, C++, R
Also familiar with .NET (C#) and F#
What are you most proud of as your work as a developer? I am most proud of developing finance related software which helps me to understand the markets and backtest financial models. This work has proven fruitful in every area of my life.
One specific example of this software is a tool which enables the user to parse news articles from financial reporting websites. The software performs sentiment analysis on the bodies of text and then modifies the score of the mentioned companies to assign them a predicted move over the next day, week, and month. For example:
- news about company ABC is published on these news sites: 1,2,3,4,5
- all of the news sites have articles which are analyzed to be negative for ABC
- this information is passed in to a predictor model which calculates the expected move of the stock of company ABC over the next day, week, and month
How do you plan to enrich the experience of MeepCraft with your development contributions? I want to join the team of Meepcraft developers as another number in the manpower so that we can improve the server at a faster pace. I want to see Meepcraft back at its old numbers, and improving player experience is the foundation that will bring this goal to fruition.
The copious free time provided by COVID-19 will allow me to work around the clock on Meepcraft software updates.
Do you have a GitHub account or personal website? If so, please provide the link(s) here. I have a personal website and Github but I am not comfortable leaving this here. I can exchange this information in private.