Member Name smeef
Additional In Game Names: smeef240, arif240
How old are you? 22
Location: NYC
Do you have Discord? yeah
How many hours per day do you spend on Meepcraft? (average) 1
Have you ever been a Tech on a different server? I've worked on a server of my own before
References: Please give IGN's Fuzzlr
Introduction: I used to play and moderate on this server a while ago. I want to work on some side projects, and I thought of meep one day, and here we are.
Please describe your experience as a developer. I've went through formal CS courses in college and worked on a few Bukkit plugins. I also have some web dev experience, mainly with React.
What programming languages are you familiar with? Java, C++, SQL, JavaScript, React, HTML, CSS
What are you most proud of as your work as a developer? I would say the little bit of joy that comes with making progress from a blank file to a well ordered set of instructions. Implementing a feature that I want to see added motives me to get it done, and get it done right by testing and making sure its production ready.
How do you plan to enrich the experience of MeepCraft with your development contributions? I have the skills to develop Spigot plugins, but I could also work on any future web dev for the main site. I would need to work with at least 2-3 other developers, but I think the main site needs a remodel.
Do you have a GitHub account or personal website? If so, please provide the link(s) here. arif-banai - Overview