*I figured since I've been pretty active on here again, I should probably reintroduce myself for those who don't know who I am and provide an update for those who do know who I am.*
Sooooooo... first things first, my name is Joe. I live in Pennsylvania and I'm currently 23 years old. My blood type is O Negative. My social security number is 523-....okay I'll stop doxing myself now.
Here's a little timeline of my history on the server:
March 2012
I was a 15 year old virgin who never left the house and played minecraft like it was my fuckin career (not much has changed in 8 years tbh besides me playing minecraft less lol). A friend of mine at the time had been on the server for a bit and told me to hop on and join his town. After sometime of playing on the towny server I saw that meep had another server dedicated to factions at the time called meepfactions. My friend and I decided to migrate over to that one and check out what it was all about. We created a faction called the "Snowmen" and we had a base that was hidden in a snow biome underground where no one could find it... Until one day, I logged on after a long hard day of 9th grade just to find myself in the middle of my base getting raided by a group of fucks from a faction named "Wololo" which was the best faction on the server and had most of the staff in it. One of these fucks was a kid with the name BTeets. I was pretty annoyed but not too long after they raided me I was invited to a skype call. In this skype call were all the members of Wololo including: BTeets, IFOC, RYANISMANAME, and Kazarkas who all knew eachother irl. They originally invited me to the skype call because they thought that I was gonna be some 10 year old squeaker that they can make fun of but then I joined the call and they realized that I was actually pretty chill and we all ended up getting along. They ended up inviting me to Wololo and the rest is history. Since then we have all kept in touch and established a great friendship over the years and have actually hung out in real life many times.
May 2012
Around this time, meepfactions sort of died down and everyone was gravitating to the main server as it began to grow and implement new ideas. At this time I decided that I had been playing for a long enough time and decided to submit an application for TrialMod (y'all call it Helper now). I got accepted (don't ask me how) and it was pretty cool ngl. I ended up getting promoted to Mod like a week or so after and that's when shit got real. One day Kaz and I got on and we decided it would be funny to fuck with a guy many of you may know named [FONT=Book Antiqua]Rosenow[/FONT]. At the time he was also a Mod and a bit of an asshole. We tp'ed to his island that he lived on by himself and went invisible with nothing but brown wool. We used that brown wool to make it look like someone basically took a huge dump on his island. Tuliplater, being the guy that he is, reported us and this along with some other bullshit things that went on resulted in me getting demoted and removed from the staff. This didn't stop me, I made a huge forum post and fought my way back into the staff. Looking back, at the time it was a huge deal, but now that we all know the ending of Rosenow's story, it is kind of amusing to look back on.
Summer 2012
My first year of high school came to an end and I found myself able to play a lot more. At this time I created a suggestion post on the forums about the idea of having a rank in between Mods and Admins called "Supermod" because the server had grown so much that there wasn't enough Admins on at all times to be able to deal with problems that were out of the control of Mods yada yada. This post generated a lot of positive feedback from many people and it resulted in the development of the rank we know today as Supermod. Soon after, I created my own Supermod application and got accepted. I was a Supermod throughout that whole summer and learned a whole lot from having such a big responsibility at such a young age.
End of 2012
Sometime around the end of that year, before the whole meepnetworks thing happened, myself and some other old staff members had started to resign as the end of that whole era slowly came to an end. I started playing minecraft less and less and started focusing more on school and certain things going on in my life at the time. Sometime at this point big changes were happening with the server as they turned it into meepnetworks or whatever (F). As many of us know this was a decision that caused a lot of backlash and I at the time absolutely hated it. Fortunately, this didn't last long, as we all know.
2013-2014 Post Meepnetworks
Once I heard about the fall of meepnetworks, I decided to come on and check out the new server. Old players from the past were coming back including IFOC, Ryan, Kaz, BTeets, VKL, etc. and we all created the town "Dubya." This is where we started to host the world renowned minecraft PVP tournament called the Meep Olympics. We had loads of fun and had the server poppin. This was an interesting time too because it was the first time I was able to enjoy playing on the server as a non-staff member again. During this time I also did tons of meeble giveaways to the point where one day, Fuzzlr gave me the Oprah rank and my DMs got fuckin FLOODED: [ATTACH=full]29397[/ATTACH]
Towards the end of 2015, I was going into my last year of highschool and started focusing on college and so again, I took another hiatus. After that, I completely stopped playing minecraft for years, however, I still have held on to many of the friendships with certain people from meep.
Fast forward to today and why I have returned...
I, like many people, am unemployed currently and on quarantine. As an extreme introvert, I'm actually thriving right now. This and Animal Crossing have been the only thing keeping me occupied at the moment with all of the free time I have. I initially came on because IFOC told me about the revamp and I thought "Hey, maybe I'll pop on and see who's on." I didn't think I would stay after the first day, but I am actually enjoying the server again and finding myself having fun with my friends on here again like old times. I look forward to getting to know all of those who don't know who I am as well as playing again with those who do.
Other little facts about me:
- I'm a Libra and an INFP
- I'm the CEO of MeepHarmony
- Aside from minecraft, some other games I play are: Rocket League, Warzone, FIFA, Battlefront II and many games on the Switch
- I am a huge football(soccer) fan, I support 2 clubs: Juventus and Chelsea
- I'm also a huge Star Wars and Marvel fan
- My fingers fuckin hurt, I've been typing this shit like all day
- Most importantly, I have a slightly larger than average.....heart. :)