DrHippie I recently got banned for x-ray, and let me tell you, there are not enough diamonds. Even with x-ray, I found it a little too difficult to come across them. and when I did find them, I didn't find them in a cluster of more than 3. Better caves would be nice too.
Thee Boss I recently got banned for x-ray, and let me tell you, there are not enough diamonds~ @DrHippieTook one for the team. Respect +1
Bloopers a lot of people are making suggestions like more coal, less iron, more diamondswouldn't this screw up world gen? it'd only affect new chunks, and the new chunks that are affected would be all screwed up right?
DrHippie a lot of people are making suggestions like more coal, less iron, more diamondswouldn't this screw up world gen? it'd only affect new chunks, and the new chunks that are affected would be all screwed up right?~ @Bloopersno clue how it would work, but as it is, mining is no good
Natsu Either this or include diamond gear in supply drops that you guys are planning to implement. The current rarity of diamonds gives advantage to Xrayers.
builderjunkie012 Diamonds and diamond gear should come from dungeons and other combat-oriented features. Mining should be there in order for you to gear up for dungeons, not so that you can get full diamond and then safely sightsee in dungeons.