This is a suggestion I have a lot of thoughts on. I was about to give it a huge +1 but i decided i wanted to walk it back and think aloud.
Extreme has lack of /tpa, /back, and other tp features for a reason: to force players to travel through their own constructed means.
Here is a thread I wrote last year on why instant transportation causes eco inflation at an increased rate (thread: While I didn't have a direct hand in the conceptualization of Extreme, in the thread I referenced the economy of large, purely vanilla survival servers and why they are often more balanced and less oversaturated with all manners of riches. /warp extreme could be said to nullify this concept of player transportation, however as things unfold in reality I am seeing my view challenged.
it removes any significant chance for local economies to exist and also makes it nearly impossible for proper shops to exist.
~ @twomoo1119
As much as I like the concept of local economies, I am starting to see this as being more difficult to sustain than was first thought. It's very possible that your local eco simply does not have things, and travel at the moment is very challenging as to make small deals not even worth walking a distance. /warp extreme really is nice for when players want to sell simply 1 item quickly, and I feel like without this there is much less economic opportunity.
I could only see this happening if we made a rail system that can’t be broken and it leaves spawn and branches out to a handful of corners of the map.
~ @IFartOnChilren
Clue has stated publicly that there will be protection in the rules against players griefing unclaimed railroads.
On the topic of quests, I see a lot of the NPCs outside of the Dungeon itself as pretty unneeded. I think it makes much more sense for the quest to begin at the dungeon, not to make you do busywork at /warp extreme before you can even head that way. I understand that having NPCs in the spawn "links" the lore to the normal world but I feel as if this linking could be done the same with a little quip in a written book that pops up, along with the coords, when you do /quests take x.
I am a -1 for /warp extreme, but I am also a -1 for having no way for players to make quick exchanges at a central loctation(s). I think the discourse here seems to be two sided (yes /warp extreme or no nothing) instead of players thinking of new solutions.
Here's just a few ideas I spitballed while writing this:
-Quadrant based central trading areas (each quadrant of the world [world divided into 4 pie shaped pieces split down 0,0] would have one central area players could warp to, meaning you would have to travel but not across the entire world. Quadrants would have names [good place to add lore!] to avoid being confusing.
-A way to swap items with people via a menu (think a villager trading menu but you could open it with another player). Maybe you would have to be in a certain location to do it/have a certain station (which you could make in advanced crafting and set up at your town)
-A quick(er) way to return to dungeons at which player trade could happen (you could only use it if you had beat multiple dungeons perhaps)
I think there could be easier implementations than these quick ideas that would effectively solve this issue while still making quick travel possible.