Welcome to The MeepTimes, the twice-monthly update to keep the community in the loop with what’s new, behind the scenes, and in the works.
Community/Server EventsWeekly UpdatesStay in-the-loop on the
Meep discord to be on top of the Friday updates that bring new dungeons, mechanics, and bring back old games and new maps.
Peero's Speech
30 people listened in awe as @Peero valiantly brought forth the new vision for Meepcraft and for Extreme.
Server Updates
ExtremeA whole new gamemode! Towny wars, scarce resources, limited travel! Learn more about it
A new spawn has arrived! Check it out at /warp spawn. Make sure to look for hidden portals going back to some of our previous spawns.
Extreme Pvp
Pvp is now off in towns in Extreme, but players exposed to sunlight show up on the dynmap here. Some special mechanics have been added yesterday as well.
Hire mercenaries with /bounty (player) (reward) in Extreme! Check available bounties with /bounties.
Two dungeons have been released in Extreme so far - Jungle and Mountain, as well as a mini Crypt dungeon. Earn skulls by playing them!
The server will now have downtime for backups the 1st and 15th of every month. If the date lands on the weekend, the backup gets pushed to the first weekday. Learn more here.
Iron Ore
Iron ore generation has been buffed around the Extreme spawn.
Donor Chat Colors
Ultimate and Legend ranks have purple chat now, and Supreme has orange.
Extreme Town Chat
Players can now use /etc to talk in Extreme Town Chat.
Pg13 Chat
Both In-Game and Discord chat restrictions have been loosened to PG-13 guidelines.
Love abusing staff members? The cooldown for /punch in spawn has been lowered to 5 minutes.
Reduce poke cooldown next?
Spleef speed is now 50% faster.
Bugs Squashed
World Border in ExtremeThe world border has been patched and extreme is now fully contained within the custom terrain.
Viscar is no longer able to be knocked off the tree for an easy win.
Custom Trees
Saplings in extreme no longer grow into custom trees.
Extreme: Town Spawn
/t spawn is now an available command in /warp extreme.
Recently Accepted Suggestions
Extreme Treasure Chest
A treasure chest plugin will be added to extreme to bring in loot and increase pvp.
Teleport Timer
Teleports in Extreme will soon be on a warm-up. Players won’t be able to warp without waiting a set amount of time without moving.
MeepTimes Contests
In this section, the community will get a chance to participate in a quick contest in each MeepTimes! There will be a 25,000 meeble or 1,000 skull prize (from the MeepTimes writers) the person with the best answer, chosen by the Meeptimes team. To be entered, just reply to the thread with an answer! Winner will be paid with the release of the next MeepTimes.
The question for this issue is: Which animal’s appearance would be most improved by adding wings to it? Illustrations are allowed and encouraged, as long as they keep within the rules!
Humans of MeepCraft ft. @VKL_ReWinDzz
VKL hanging out with his friends at the Sith Coalition Chapter House in Extreme When did you first join Meep?I joined back on May 13th, 2012. Almost 8 years ago.How has your relationship with Meepcraft changed over the years?
My relationship with Meep hasn’t always been a good one, but I’ve always had love for the server and it’s gotten drastically better in the past few years. I used to be very immature and would always start problems in global chat. I was very rude to pretty much anyone that wasn’t already my friend.
What’s a funny memory from Meep that you frequently go back to?
Probably when Fuzzlr shouted and made jokes about my ban history. That’ll always be a funny memory to me. I think he said “Breaking News: VKL unbanned for the 70th time.”
What are you most proud of in your time on Meep?
Honestly having such a huge ban history and still being one of the most dedicated players on the server. I showed myself that I didn’t give up trying to come back and play the server I love.
I’m surprised to hear that - I assumed that it would be your ban history, but I also assumed that you wouldn’t want to mention it in a positive light. I guess I should have listened to what they say about assumptions.
After years of being bothered by people just constantly using it against me, I figured I would embrace it and make it part of who I am. Or who I was, rather.
What about you as a person? What are some of your hobbies?
I enjoy playing basketball the most, but I also spend a lot of time playing video games.
I’ve been playing basketball since I was a teenager, playing streetball. I like it because it keeps me active and in shape. I grew up watching it so I’ve always enjoyed it.
Do you have a favorite team or player?
Favorite team is the Philadelphia 76ers and my favorite player is Kevin Durant. He had coronavirus, but he’s all better now.
So what have you been doing now that you can’t go play basketball?
Playing a lot of Meepcraft, but still visiting my friends that live in close range.
You said you play video games. What games do you play, other than (obviously) minecraft?
A lot of Call of Duty, NBA 2k, Madden, and Rainbow Six Seige. 2k and Madden are sports games and Rainbow Six Seige is a tactical shooter multiplayer game. So I like the team vs team shooter games, and the basic sports games.
What’s your current covid situation like?
I live in New Jersey, so we’re supposed to be on lockdown with a curfew of 8pm - 5am but since I live in a small town I can just drive 5 minutes to see my friends. But other than that I stay inside and don’t go to any store or fast food places. I live with my grandparents, so I can’t risk getting sick. My dad goes to a local grocery to shop for his dad every weekend, so I just have him pick stuff up for me. Or I’ll make frozen foods that we already have in the house.
What’s been the most difficult personal obstacle you’re encountered?
Trying to maintain my work-sleep schedule. While I’m not working because of this pandemic I gotta make sure I can’t stay up too late and ruin my schedule.
Has there been anything positive in this for you?
More time to spend playing video games and talking on discord with my friends haha.
What’s a song that you would recommend to Meep?
Hmm I don’t know most of the music I listen to would probably be banned here so I don’t suggest them but my favorite song right now is probably Emotionally Scarred by Lil Baby.
Farewells and Welcomes
Catch up on all the changes in our team over the past year.
Farewell to qazini, beloved panini, she was kinda nice, but was also a meanie.
Please say goodbye to CaliWahine, who always took the time to care for her fellow females on the internet.
Adios to JamezMeep, we hope you will continue to improve your leadership skills as dictator of the First Order. Run you clever boy and remember!
We hope that noahnda doesn’t forget about Meep and wish him good luck on his military career.
Recently we have parted ways with some of our administration team. A big thank you to KlutchDecals and xT3kx for all the work they’ve put into the server over the years.
Additionally, please thank jadenpete and EnergyAssassin for their contributions as developers as they move on in search of other projects.
Please welcome @Liam to the Architect team!
Prepare for death as @Adrian seizes control and becomes SuperArch.
The biggest congratulations to @CluelessKlutz on his promotion to Owner. We hope he continues to use his powers for the continued prosperity of the dark side.
Felicitations to @Achrow on getting Trial Arch!
Please congratulate @SpongeyStar , @bloodyghost , and @Vexmae on helper, and just on their tail, give a big and hearty welcome to @LordMellow , our newest helper recruit!
Congratulations on @qazini 's return to Supermod!
Social Media!
Be sure to follow us/subscribe to all of our social media platforms to get sneak peaks and be kept up to date on all things Meep!
Get involved with the MeepTimes
We welcome you to participate in the Meeptimes! Submit a cover photo or community event for a chance to get 10,000 meebles or 250 skulls, or a story for the chance to win 25,000 meebles or more 1,000 skulls, if the content is used. To submit entries for the next release of the Meeptimes, send a private message in-game, over forums, on discord to @qazini.