Member Name smk
Additional In Game Names: MeepMe
How old are you? 18
Location: United States (EST)
Do you have Discord? Yes
How many hours per day do you play MeepCraft? (weekdays) 1-4
How many hours per day do you play MeepCraft? (weekends) 2-10
Have you ever been staff on this or any other server? Yes
References: Please give IGN's CluelessKlutz, EllieEllie, Savage2k17, Kling, Courtneyyy (these were for the last app, I’m just leaving them)
When did you join Meepcraft? Fall/Winter 2013
Introduction: Hiya meeplings! I am smkorpi, or smk, or Shawn. I am now in college and am finding ways to pursue my passions while maintaining exemplary grades in school.
Why should you be Helper? I believe I have many of the qualities needed to be a good staff member. And because of these qualities and my experience, I believe I can thrive as a helper again.
I will go over my experience first. I gained my experience as a staff member by becoming a staff member in the past. I have learned how to use staff tools such as prism, how to handle modreqs, deal with obscure cases, how to communicate with a team, and many more useful lessons. I believe through my time as staff that I now understand better how to handle rule breakers and players that are troublesome, and this is an amazing experience to have. The normal mistakes a brand new helper would normally make should be behind me by this point. I could need a light touching up on some of the commands, but within a week I could be back to normal from the past.
The rest of my qualities are things I have worked on since my last time as helper.
Passion. I am very passionate about many things that I do, and meepcraft is one of them. I know in the past I have shown extreme negativity towards some changes, but I would not have been upset with a change if I didn’t care about the server. I have been playing in this server for almost seven years. That is just about a third of my life. So for ⅓ of my life, I have played on Meepcraft. I would have quit in less than a year if I didn’t care. I have had thoughts of applying for staff after my first year playing Meepcraft, but I never pursued them until this year; and I couldn’t be happier with the time I had as a staff member. My passion for the server is the reason I can play for hours on end, only talking to the community. I am willing to utilize much of my free time on meep.
I feel that a deciding factor for these applications is what any applicant can bring to the team that isn’t already prevalent. And in honesty, there isn’t much that the team doesn’t seem to have covered at the moment. I mentioned before that one of my goals if I were to become a helper again would be to try better team communication. On top of this, I already have good communication with the community, and understand what would be able to help the server as a whole. One of the main ways I can think of helping the server is through suggestions. Which is why I have made many suggestions in the past. If I become a helper again, I would not stop suggesting things. I pride myself in being a problem-solver, and in most scenarios I can at least weigh as many options as possible and try finding the best solution. I hope to have another chance to try and use any problem solving skills I have to help meep.
Another thing I decided since my application is clearly what I want to do on the team. Countless poeple asked what I could contribute, and I will clarify my answer. I will be able to help with decision making on the server. I am very analytical, and I believe I am becoming quite good at analyzing all sides of a situation, and coming up with the best possible solution. One of my main goals if I’m allowed to join the team again is to help in fixing skyblock. Through various discussions, I believe I truly understand the problem that is making skyblock unfair, and through suggestions I have been trying to help; but as a staff member, I would be able to try to help fix skyblock, and be more effective. On top of skyblock, I also have experience playing kitpvp, and would be able to help with kitpvp. Halo is also something I’m passionate about, and I could also try working on gun revamps or look at what needs balanced. The final thing I would like to help on is a tad of the eco. Now, I know that changing the economy is very risky, and must be looked at with extreme caution.
I want to finish this part, I have already been trying to help the server, and skyblock, kitpvp, halo, and towny economy through suggestions. But as a staff member, I would have a much easier time finding the best solution as I would have direct access to the people making decisions. And through my past experience as a staff member, I am already prepared for the challenges around the Helper position.
I also have a passion for problem-solving and coming up with ways to keep the game interesting. If I am given the opportunity to be a staff member once more I will try to use any problem-solving skills I have to help with decision-making and ensuring the best quality of experience for players whenever I am given the chance. In the future I would like to aid especially in a potential Skyblock Revamp, which I have years of experience playing. Another passion that I enjoy is writing, and I would love to be able to help make MeepTimes again (as qaz and clue probably saw considering I was about to make a MeepTimes right before the Revamp dropped)
What are your weaknesses? Composure. When I was a staff member, I had a fall out with a player. I handled the situation very terribly, allowing some of the worst parts of me to come out. I defended how I handled it, but I was simply wrong. I learned in this situation that people make mistakes, that you can move past things. I learned to control myself in the next two months afterwards, and I can assure you that a similar situation will never happen again. Outside of that one occasion during my time as staff, I never lost my composure. I do not plan on letting any such thing happen again.
School/Time Commitments. School is still my number one priority, and that would not change if I were to join the staff team again. While I have this in the weakness section, it should not affect my activity drastically, as I am currently playing and maintaining a 4.0 rather easily.
Passion. I am very passionate about quite a few things on the server, and I am not afraid to show my opinion. I try to keep my composure and give my opinion respectfully, but some of my posts can be interpreted as inflammatory. Because I recognize this as a weakness, I make sure to tag on the bottom of my posts when something isn’t meant to be inflammatory. But it is something I will continue to work on.
Please give any other information you might think is useful for us to know: This application is built off of my last application. I figured the majority of staff members already know me and have an opinion, so I doubt most of this application will be necessary to change anyone’s mind.
Thanks for reading, if you have any questions / comments / criticisms feel free to comment below or /mail me in game, or start a convo on forums.