SpongeyStar Yes! coming mid jan. Heres the link Revamp Town Hall Notes [12/26/2019]~ @AdrianI do have to say, I’ll miss you saying this :(
Midnight_Galaxy I do have to say, I’ll miss you saying this ~ @SpongeyStari mean, i am sure he still will, let's be honest
AwesomeAdoGamer You can always find friends on Meep :)~ @qaziniNo. No, you can't. I've tried for 5 years lol
OsiasJupiter Damn bro I feel bad you're gonna be broke :(~ @legendcalebomg guys! im so excited to pvp with legendcaleb s14 #1 badlion haha!
smk What time on Friday though?Edit: Also go make the towny world downloadable kthxmeditate 2: What version of Minecraft will it be on?
Adrian What time on Friday though?Edit: Also go make the towny world downloadable kthxmeditate 2: What version of Minecraft will it be on?~ @smkTime will be announced later.The current towny world is not being reset in fact jobs are receiving a major update and it is still technically our main world.1.12.2
legendcaleb omg guys! im so excited to pvp with legendcaleb s14 #1 badlion haha!~ @OsiasJupiteroh my god, is that the top 20 overwatch player almost overwatch league? I am not worthy of such praise!
Marthacuddles I do have to say, I’ll miss you saying this ~ @SpongeyStarhe's just going to come up with something new spongeystar
SpongeyStar What’s this?~ @IFartOnChilrenMeep's gettin a highly anticipated hugeeee revamp on Friday, you can read more about the deets of what's to come here: Revamp Town Hall Notes [12/26/2019]
qazini Is this legit?~ @SurvivingSword11Yes. Towny wars, dungeons, new parkours, jobs revamp, all coming. See more here: Revamp Town Hall Notes [12/26/2019]
Toostenheimer well damn, looks like I'm getting yoinked out of my absence and rejoining meep once again