Member Name LordMellow
Additional In Game Names: Marshanater101 Marshmellow120
How old are you? 17
Location: Australia
Do you have Discord? Yes
How many hours per day do you play MeepCraft? (weekdays) 6-12
How many hours per day do you play MeepCraft? (weekends) 10 +
Have you ever been staff on this or any other server? No
References: Please give IGN's Midnight_Galaxy
When did you join Meepcraft? May 15th, 2015
Introduction: Hellow everyone! I’m LordMellow, Mellow, Marshall or Lord. (Love it when there are 3 lords online and someone says “Lord” and we all say “yes?”). I joined meep when I was 12 back in May 2015. My brother and I had just gotten Minecraft and wanted to explore new worlds with new people. We didn’t know how to do anything and found out what /modreq did within 10 minutes of joining. We were helped instantly by a staff member and ever since that day I have wanted to become a helper. Fast forward 5 years, I’m nearly an adult and still have that dream, that is why I am here today.
My hobby outside of MeepCraft is programming games. This interest actually stemmed from the time I had on the server because MeepCraft was created from nothing and had such an amazing community I wanted to bring that joy to others but in my own world. I liked programming games so much that when I was 15 I achieved a certificate II in information, digital technologies and publishing and am now doing the cert 3 this year and plan to continue those studies after high school and work in the industry.
Why should you be Helper? This is gonna start off sounding bad, but it isn’t. I make mistakes. Simple as that. Who doesn’t? Why am I writing this at the start of my application? Well, its because a mistake is how we learn, how we become better people. I’m not born perfect, and I will never be perfect and I will not pretend I am because no one is! This is okay... I always learn from my mistakes whether they’re personal or professional and I believe that not only accepting criticism but also learning from it is a very valuable trait in anyone.
As I person I have strong values, that I stick too. I may mess around and have fun but, I am serious when it comes to standing up for what I believe in and what is right not just for me, not just my friends, but everyone.
My dedication is impeccable. Ever since I was young if I found something I liked or didn’t, I would stick to it, either because I enjoyed it or because I was too stubborn to let something beat me.
I am friendly and open-minded about everyone. When I solve disputes I get both sides before I act and I do my best to make everyone happy and am able to tell someone that what they are doing is not right even if I am friends with them.
Sometimes, people who play online have bad days, we all do. Some people distance themselves while others take it out on others, even when those other people are just trying to help. I have stepped in for people that were on the receiving end of harassment before and that put me in the firing line. While I do not enjoy being harassed, I am able to talk to the person and gently diffuse the situation. At the end of the day, I am able to smile knowing that I helped someone and didn’t let it get to me.
What are your weaknesses? For years I have struggled with anxiety to the extent where I get physical pain from being anxious and this has hindered me throughout my life. As a child I would not go out for days at a time, I wasn’t even able to get out of bed. These days it is nowhere near as bad because of breathing techniques I have developed, ever since I have not missed a day, even with this extra anxiety about COVID19.
Another weakness of mine is my headaches and migraines. Ever since I was 5(earliest I can remember) I have been getting them. During these periods I am unable to look at any screen and need to take panadol and lie down. I used to get these very often and have been to the hospital on more than one occasion. As I’ve gotten older I am starting to slowly grow out of them and am able to recognize symptoms before they get really bad and get rid of them swiftly most of the time.
Please give any other information you might think is useful for us to know: Thank you for taking the time to read my application. I look forward to any and all feedback!