Application Tips
Here are a few tips to constructing your staff applications.
When writing out your introduction, assume that the person reading this has absolutely no idea who you are; never seen you or talked to you ever before. You’re more than welcome to introduce any aspect of yourself you deem relevant to the application, but remember that deviating too far from the topic at hand (that being MeepCraft) can throw the focus of the application off.
Use your knowledge of your audience to your advantage! If we are reading this application, it is pretty obvious we play Minecraft and specifically on MeepCraft. Many successful applications talk about their history on the server or towns they have created, which show your familiarity with the server and its community.
- Why should you become a staff member?
The why section of your application is where we will learn most about your interest in becoming a MeepCraft staff member. It is the absolute most important section of your application. Just writing ‘I love to help’ won’t make the cut. If you are having trouble at structuring this section, try to break it down into key points such as these.
- Experience
- Work Ethic
- Justification
- Dedication
- Performance
- Involvement
While you do not have to stick with a bullet point structure, at times it can be blended into this section in creating a narrative of sorts. Some applicants in the past have tied stories or examples from their introduction into this section to show rather than tell they possess the qualities of a staff member. Don’t be afraid to talk about experiences from your real life to prove your capabilities.
Please note that by weaknesses we do not mean Minecraft weaknesses, but personality traits that prevent you from being your best self.
When listing out any weaknesses, be sure to explain how you aim to work on these. It is important that you have a go at working on your weaknesses - it shows you are willing to try. For example, if your weakness is immaturity, you would say you would work on this by thinking before you speak in global, etc.
- Overall tips for entire Application
Avoid repeatedly mentioning that you want to help; the fact that you’re applying tells us that much. Instead, go into detail about your past experiences, either in real life or online, that show why you’re a good candidate for helper. Just as importantly, be yourself. We know you in-game, we should see about the same person on the page.
Does your intro define who you are, and how you relate to us as a staff applicant?
Do you make yourself relatable with your introduction?
Do you have a solid breakdown of your helper traits?
Are said traits backed by proofs and good reasoning?
Are the viewpoints made in your application your own?
Does the app flow well and give us a coherent and orderly explanation?
If a story is present, is it relevant and tied in with important points?
Did you have the confidence to show us that you really mean what you say?
Did you use the word “help” no more than 20 times?
Are your weaknesses true weaknesses (and not hidden strengths)?
Are they thoroughly analyzed?
Have you devised a plan on how you plan to address these weaknesses?
Do you feel your application is a complete compilation of all the reasons that certify you as a qualified staff member?
In Game Work
Are you active in global? Do you talk with the community, and answer questions?
Are you online for a considerable amount of time?
Are you online at regular times or intervals or is it more sporadic?
Do you address serious server issues with the staff team?
Forums Activity
Are you an active forums member?
Do you say constructive things on forums?
Are you involved in any important issues brought up there?
Discord Activity
Are you an active MeepCraft Discord member?
Do you communicate with the community or staff team on Discord?
Have you had or do you have issues breaking rules? This includes anything from misbehavior in chat to hacking. If you did, mention how you’ve moved on from causing problems.
We hope that the tips and support will better help you in your application process and if you ever have any questions about it do not hesitate to ask a current staff member!
We hope to see your application soon. Good luck!
Original thread credits to: Courtneyyy, The_Squirrelman, and Cooleysworld