Member Name evemo
Additional In Game Names: JJJuiced ,Vexmo, Evemo
How old are you? 16
Location: USA
Do you have Discord? Yes
How many hours per day do you play MeepCraft? (weekdays) 6-8 hours
How many hours per day do you play MeepCraft? (weekends) 8+ hours
Have you ever been staff on this or any other server? Yes
References: Please give IGN's Viperfan, whyLiz, EmperorMeznik, MegaStuf, Synergizer, AdrianBFaust, steviefiveo56, Vexmae
When did you join Meepcraft? 2012ish
Introduction: Hello, I’m Juiced.
I’m currently in 11th grade and I just started at a new school this semester. I really enjoy school and subjects like History and English but I’m absolutely horrible at math. I’m much more interested in History though because my writing skills are only really good when I have a prompt. Recently though I’ve missed a lot of school (before covid-19) because I got terribly sick with strep for two weeks. My grades in all my classes went down astronomically. I was really discouraged but when I did go back to school I gathered all of my missing work and did it all for 8 hours straight. I’m currently an all As and Bs student in school. Failure isn’t something I like very much, I like to do things right. I’m also pretty interested in politics (even though I can’t vote) like the 2020 election and past presidential scandals. Out of school I don’t have many hobbies, my main hobbies are going to the gym and playing games. Currently the other games that I play are Overwatch and Skyrim, but I really want to find other good games to play. I really enjoy fast paced FPS games even though I’m not too great at them. I also really enjoy story games, even though I skip through most of the voicelines in the story. I haven’t been to the gym in a long time because they’ve almost all closed so I’ve resorted to attempting to do home workouts in my room. I’m also really into watching Twitch and I usually have it open on my 2nd monitor while I play on the server.
Some of you might also know me as evemo or Vexmo, I’ve been playing on meepcraft for a pretty long time; around 2012ish, and it was the first server I ever joined. I’ve been through meep’s ups and downs. I was active when meep was 1k+ players and also when nobody was ever on. I’m excited to see Meep’s resurgence with revamp and all because I want to see Meep restored to its old glory. Even if revamp isn’t a huge success playing on Meep still greatly interests me. I just recently rejoined Meep a bit ago, and I’ve built a pretty decent town called Whiterun that’s named after a town in Skyrim, so the town’s theme is medieval. I’m not very good at building though so all of the buildings in my town are built by architects I’ve paid. Even though I’m terrible at building, I spent 4 hours straight a few days ago just building a big wall around my city, as I really enjoy working on getting better at things I might not be very good at.
In game you would usually find me running around my town or mining terracotta and digging sand in the wild. I’m really interested in getting to know the player base more. Pvping is also one of the things that interests me on Meep, I’d like to get better at pvp with practice so I can beat the pvp greats like Viper. I also really enjoy practicing MeepHalo so I can improve at that also.
Why should you be Helper? There’s many reasons I’d like to be Helper. First of all I’d really like to give back to the server. I really enjoy helping people so I think being staff would be a good experience for me. I’ve spent a lot of time on the server, as I said in my intro I’ve been on and off Meepcraft for a really long time so I’ve been through Meep’s ups and downs, super active periods, and also low points. I’ve met many people and I know a couple staff members and a lot of players pretty well. I’m also very involved in socializing on the server whether it be through general chat in game or discord. I’m almost always in discord voice chat all day wanting to talk to players and help them out with whatever is necessary.
I also feel as though I can relate pretty well to other players and that I’m a pretty easy person to talk to. Even when people might be annoying me or getting on my nerves I can still talk to them respectfully. Also my work ethic is very good. I’ve also mentioned above in my intro many instances where my work ethic has come in handy to benefit me, but it can also benefit others. I’m very ready to dedicate myself to the server and the community. The Meepcraft community is, in my opinion, unrivaled. It doesn't just feel like a minecraft server, it feels more like a family. As cheesy as it sounds I really enjoy playing on Meep and socializing with everyone everyday.
Last summer, I held a somewhat leadership role at my local summer camp. It was really enjoyable for me and was a really good opportunity for me to learn how to help out all people of all ages. I was in a cabin with 12 9 y/o boys and would hang out with them and do work for the camp too like washing dishes or going with the kids to the camp pool or the lake. I’ve also TA’d before in one of my classes and have experience with helping people my age and older. I hope to take some of these skills I’ve learned by holding a leadership role in real life and translate them into Meep.
What are your weaknesses? I do, like all people, have a few weak points. My sarcasm is pretty bad, and some people could think of it as insensitive or bad mannered. For example I’ve joked about doing halo farming in general chat, and also some of my jokes could come off as edgy humor. I do have the ability to control these jokes as much as necessary and will stop completely if I need to.
I can also be immature at some times, which also relates to my bad jokes but every day I work more toward improving. Improvement in these areas is very important to me and will also be important to you guys and that's why I will work hard on these areas and translate these skills into real life experiences also.
Getting annoying at times is another one of my weaknesses. Sometimes I can pester people if I want something from them without really realizing what I’m doing. For example sometimes I ask people to get in Discord and talk but I ask too much and people get annoyed with me. Or if I want someone to dice me to get my money back and they won’t.
Please give any other information you might think is useful for us to know: I, like a lot of people, have been playing meep for a pretty long time. I’m not very old so in my early years on meep I was very immature and did some immature things like getting banned for harassing people a few years ago and also halofarming a while ago. I just want to clarify I’m not the same person I was when I did these things and have since greatly matured.