Member Name Liz
Additional In Game Names: whyLiz
How old are you? 17
Location: California
Do you have Discord? Yes
How many hours per day do you play MeepCraft? (weekdays) 2-3
How many hours per day do you play MeepCraft? (weekends) 3-4
Have you ever been staff on this or any other server? No
References: Please give IGN's QUSM
When did you join Meepcraft? April 18th, 2015
Introduction: Hello, my name is Liz and I am interested in becoming a Helper for Meepcraft. I am a highschooler in San Diego, currently taking a ton of honors classes, but managing to still be a straight A student. I have my time taken up by school but when I am free, I go onto meepcraft and socialize. I believe I am pretty well known to the server, but for all of those who don’t know me very well, I can be kind of a class clown. Yes I love to joke around but don’t worry, I am a very real and serious person besides that funny side of Liz. I am a member of a debate club in my school which has improved my serious side. When it comes to problems, I am able to break them down and solve them piece by piece.
My hobbies include anything animal or gardening related. I have a garden at my house containing different types of grasses I feed to insects in my backyard as well as my cat, who loves to eat grass to deal with stomach pain. I am an equestrian (horse-back rider) of 10 years and it is a sport I will never give up. Working with horses of all breeds and ages is my passion and I can’t get enough of it. I am out at my barn 6 days a week for around 2-3 hours per day. Getting outside in the sun, in the dirt, is my paradise and I wouldn’t give it up for anything.
Why should you be Helper? I have loved this server for years and as the well known revamp will be coming out soon, I want to help out and get the server growing like it used to be. The community is like a family to me, everyone is so kind and when I would be dealing with tough life experiences, they’re there to support me like no other. I want to give back to the community by becoming a helper and making Meepcraft a better server.
I have been having some free time lately (COVID-19 school shutdowns) and I would like to fill that by becoming more active on Meepcraft and Discord and showing everyone that I am a person they can come to for anything. With this free time I can:
Fix any issues the server may be experiencing
Build a friendlier and more positive community
Becoming a better person for myself and for others
Impact Meepcraft in a positive way
In my earlier years of highschool, I was a part of my ASB (Associated Student Body) group that would take on events and fundraisers for my school. We would become the leaders of our classes that would bring people together and create a community of happy teenagers. I intend on doing the same for Meepcraft. I am a very friendly and caring person and in addition to that I have experience in being a leader. I can bring people together and take authority when nobody else can. Working with others increases my motivation to finish projects and tasks on time. Everybody can be a positive and efficient person in all types of everyday tasks, I will support that in Minecraft.
What are your weaknesses? I love to make jokes. Joking around with my friends on Meepcraft fills a piece of me everyday with joy. Some of my jokes can get out of hand, get offensive, and become no fun. I am able to control this weakness of mine and I have the serious side of Liz that wants to do the most good for every situation. I never intend any harm with my jokes because that is just not the person I am.
I am a person who suffers from anxiety and depression. This leads to episodes of where I shut myself off from computers, phones, and social media, to help heal any anxious or depressive feelings I am experiencing. This is a weakness that could affect my time on Meepcraft. Lately, I have been doing very well handling my anxiety and depression and have not experienced any of these episodes lately.
Please give any other information you might think is useful for us to know: I want the community of Meepcraft to have a helper who they can look up to and inspire to become a better person. I want to improve every little flaw Meepcraft experiences. Like I said, this community is like a second family to me. I could give up anything and everything for this server if I had to.