Member Name SpongeyStar
Additional In Game Names: ScaredyPants, SenpaiSpongai
How old are you? 19
Location: New Zealand
Do you have Discord? Yes
How many hours per day do you play MeepCraft? (weekdays) 5-7+
How many hours per day do you play MeepCraft? (weekends) 7+
Have you ever been staff on this or any other server? Yes
References: Please give IGN's qazini, Achrow, Cluelessklutz, groovygrevous
When did you join Meepcraft? September 2014
Introduction: Hi! I’m Spongey, a 19 year old from New Zealand. I am currently in my second year of uni studying Software Engineering (funny because reading through one of my old helper apps I said I wanted to do software engineering..there we have it!).
In my free time I love watching Brooklyn Nine Nine (the most), The Good Doctor, The Office, The Good Place, , Black Mirror, any other binge-watchable show and of course, Spongebob! Although the newer episodes don’t tickle my fancy - I just wish they’d bring back the old graphics.
I also like to do some coding in my spare time. I’ve worked with Python and Java primarily, developing some android apps, learning C++ now and I’m interested in getting into some minecraft dev (if you have any tips let me know where to start)
Why should you be Helper? · Experience
I’ve been playing since September 2014. I have learnt so much through my journey on Meep. I’ve also been staff twice now, but it’s been about 5 years since my last run so obviously I wouldn’t remember every staff command still but I’m a relatively quick learner to pick things up again.
· Dedication
I’ve been playing for almost 7 years now. I didn’t think I’d be staying here for this long because most of the people I’ve met along the way have already dropped out of Meep. But here I am, typing up a helper application 7 years on. Whenever people talk about their early teenage years, what springs to my mind is, Meep. I may have become addicted, I may have not. Meep is like my second home, my second group of friends. I really admire the friendships I’ve made on Meep and wonder if, I’d clicked on another server other than Meep, if I didn’t see Meep on the server list, would I have made those same friendships? What I’m saying is that I am dedicated. Once I stick to something I usually don’t let go. Like Meep. And dicing.
As many of you know, I’ve submitted a million billion apps (not as many as Gummi though haha) where most of them have been denied. Every time I was denied, I looked at it as an opportunity to improve and become a better person of who I am. Which is to say I am a very dedicated member of the Meep community. But I’m older now, I’ve learnt from my mistakes and I’ve grown as a person.
· Involvement
I try to balance my in-game, forums and discord activity well. I’m almost always on discord whether it’s early in the morning or late at night (discord is literally the first thing I check whenever I wake up). Forums is the same. It’s one of those things I check up on without even thinking. I even just type in into my web browser even if I just looked at forums a few seconds ago. As for my in game activity I do my best to get on as much as I can.
I live in New Zealand, so when I’m on at night time here I mostly see Australians or Europe people on. With the server becoming more active than it used to be, and with revamp on the way, it would be better to have staff across all timezones to cater for all the different players across the world.
· General
What makes me different to other applicants/staff? I’ve always had a sense of positivity inside me. Maybe you’ve seen be ranting off and being negative nancy sometime somewhere in the yonder years, but I try my best to stay positive. I think that positivity is an important role in being a staff member because throughout your time you’re going to have some of the community be negative nancys or disrespect other staff or something etc.(which I have seen happen) .with positivity I think I can help the team stay on track and not let negativity strike back and attack! (hey that rhymed).
What are your weaknesses? Immaturity: Immaturity to me basically defines my personality back in 2014. I would spam, talk nonsense, and spam and talk nonsense more. I’ve always put down immaturity as my weakness on my applications but after a lot of thinking and from other people’s statements, I’ve come to a conclusion that I am not as immature as I used to be, I just enjoy having fun, especially with my friends.
Discord vc: It may not seem like it in game but I am a super shy person. I’ve only talked on discord a few times but even then I haven’t said much. I'm trying to talk more!
Please give any other information you might think is useful for us to know: If you do decide to decline this app, that’s okay. I’ll still be that loyal player who's been playing Meep since 2014, and I’ll contribute as much as I can as a player. I won’t give up hope on Meep. Thanks tom hanks