Member Name Vexmae
Additional In Game Names: N/A
How old are you? 18
Location: UK
Do you have Discord? Yes
How many hours per day do you play MeepCraft? (weekdays) 4-8
How many hours per day do you play MeepCraft? (weekends) 6+
Have you ever been staff on this or any other server? Yes
References: Please give IGN's CluelessKlutz, AdrianBFaust, Achrow
When did you join Meepcraft? 8th July 2014
Introduction: Hello! I’m Vex (I’d hope people do know me, at least) I’m currently 18 and was studying Science to later become an embalmer in the future (I usually scare people off when I mention that) I’ve Been a resident (and then staff) of Legend for one or two years now, You guys know everything about me so this section has suddenly got difficult to answer *shudders* You’ll probably find me in-game hiding in my basement or home, or simply running around the place, as it’s usually all I do, My last year in college as a few are aware I did do Media makeup, which I later learned helped make my way forward to become an embalmer, I didn’t need to do any other courses to find an apprenticeship at a funeral home, But I had one year left of paid tuition, so I figured I’d make the most of it.
Not that anyone asked but I figured I’d answer a potential question as to why I want to sometime become an embalmer. I find that there’s a sense of calming when people can transcend from the death of a loved one, and I’d feel I’d like to help them along the way by making them appreciate the moments that they will last see them.
Although, as of last week, I did, leave my college, just because I wanted to stay at home for a little and rethink where I want to go before rushing into becoming an embalmer, just because I feel for an 18-year old that it is quite a jump from no job to quite an in-depth career. So I’ve been focusing on just doing home chores for now until I figure my path, the embalmer is still not off the question as I do still feel I would like to become one further down the line, just after I explore my options
Something a few of you didn’t know is some of my hobbies include drawing, both digital and traditional, I’m slowly creeping into that and you’ll notice if you follow me on Instagram or other, and sewing, I’ve recently sewn a Minecraft bee, as a Christmas present, I learned that off my Gran who has long since passed, so I find it calming to know I still carry something of her with me
Why should you be Helper? I feel like I should be a helper for a number of reasons, these being:
Previous Staff Position: I have made my way to staff numerous times before now, each time I learned more, during my gap year I was a staff elsewhere, at a small server, and I learned a lot to do with plugin management and console (Yes I know that is not something helpers do, but I am thinking if this so happens to do well, that I have previous experience), I know the server (More or less) like the back of my hand, and I still feel like this server has done so much for my confidence that I’d still want to try and pay my appreciation back by giving back to the server’s moderation
Activity: I’ve still noticed a lack of GMT timezone staff, and I’d like to kind of fill that void, not that staff are as needed as much as I would think, but it’s still nice to spread the timezones out, and I sometimes creep into other timezones during my cannot sleep phases, so I see everyone more or less at different times.
Creeping out of my shell a bit more: as some people have noticed I have been trying to engage in discord activity and talking in forums, I was put on medications for my heart rate for when I get panic attacks and it has definitely made me more confident and less panicky to talk to people, so if you want to talk, just yell at me to join VC!
Independent and Reliable: I don’t like to leave a job half done if I can help it, I love helping in tasks and with other people, I make sure that things get done the day I start them (Unless if it is a big more than one day type task) I will always work 100% and have a great attitude towards being a staff member
An all-round friendly person; I try to be as friendly and as open-armed as possible, and as long as you don’t have an issue with me, I won’t have one with you, my messages are always open and I never ignore anyone for the sake of it, I genuinely enjoy having conversations with people no matter what happened with the past
What are your weaknesses? As I mentioned in the section above: I do still technically have anxiety attacks, but I am in the process of getting better at controlling them and putting myself in situations that I normally wouldn’t be comfortable with to further extend my abilities
This isn’t really a weakness but if I do manage to find a job, my activity would probably decrease, but I would still take time to hop on to keep everything in check and to do any requests, I would only be starting part-time to slowly move into getting a job, so we won’t have to worry about me dropping off the radar for some time
Please give any other information you might think is useful for us to know: Let’s be honest, I don’t have the greatest past, and everyone knows that, I’m hoping to make amends and that people won’t bring me down because of something that happened two years ago, and I still am deeply sorry for me being that way, I guess I wasn’t in the right headspace, but because it was so long ago I didn’t feel like it needed addressing as much this time around.