Hahaha imagine complaining about this whew that gave me a chuckle
Also, all the people complaining about why Meepcraft is dying don't understand why it was popular in the first place. Fuzzlr dumped a ton of money into advertisements. That's how I initially found the server. That's how it got a massive playerbase. Once he stopped advertising, it was a steady decline. The large active playerbase was enough to maintain the server's popularity for a while, but eventually the rate of players quitting eclipsed the rate of new players coming in. Once the server regularly dropped beneath about 100 players online at a time, it essentially killed the economy aspect of the server because there wasn't a large enough pool of consumers which just furthered the server's decline. The reason it hasn't gotten more players with the minecraft resurgence is because we aren't advertising to the new players. That's it. It isn't because our mods are too mean, or we don't have any fun. To develop a large playerbase you need to advertise.
~ @HotAsianBeans
Advertisement is key! As a ex-server owner I can verify this that the MOMENT you stop advertisements your player base begins a steady decline. But if you keep pumping money into even just a little it will be alright! I would love to see the server so maybe even 50$ a month on advertising as it will help a bit. Anyway peace for the next month until I get bored enough to check in