I just saw the new Joker movie tonight! I absolutely loved it, I laughed out loud a few times, managed to NOT eat all of the popcorn while watching the previews.
Honestly, I can't tell if I enjoyed the movie just because of the comfortable environment the theatre provided, or if I was GENUINELY engaged with the film.
But then, I got thinking.
2019 has been amazingly progressive, especially through media, but I feel like DC in particular has shown no forms of diversity. I think I would've loved the Joker more if the Joker himself was a minority. I feel like the message the film was trying to give to the audience would've been stronger. I'm a gay POC, and I truly, truly, feel as if I would've connected with everybody's crazy clown even more if the director or whatever chose an actor who was either gay, black, etc. to be the main man himself.
What are your guys' thoughts?