KyloMeep Yes, literally have all my stuff in dark theme and its jarring to come on and see this bright website +1
Meznik I like it, but first I want "Forums - not crashing every 12 hours mode"~ @LordInateurGenuinely sad even the admin that fixes the bad bads complains about how bad it is
KlutchDecals Downloads the IOS13 Beta, Wants Dark mode. hahaaJk I like this idea. Ill check if one exists
SirCallow In the meantime, use the Dark Reader extension for Chrome. Works pretty well on most sites, just occasionally you’ll have a few strange-looking parts.~ @reikaCurrently using the extension as well, can confirm it works well in Firefox.
Muunkee Downloads the IOS13 Beta, Wants Dark mode. hahaaJk I like this idea. Ill check if one exists~ @KlutchDecalsToo bad I have an S9 [Which already has dark mode [apple doesnt make new things]]Appreciate it man