Member Name CasualNuker
Additional In Game Names: CasualNuker
How old are you? 15
Location: USA | CST
Do you have Discord? Yes
How many hours per day do you play MeepCraft? (weekdays) I play one to two hours a day on weekdays.
How many hours per day do you play MeepCraft? (weekends) I play two to four hours on weekends.
Have you ever been staff on this or any other server? Yes
References: Please give IGN's @Istas_Sani, @michaelwojcik2, and @Embony.
When did you join Meepcraft? December 19, 2014
Introduction: Hello, I’m Nuker, Cas or Casual I go by any of those! I am currently 15 years old getting close to 16! I have lived in the great state of Texas for eight years. I have previously lived in Michigan and Arkansas by moving around most of my life I have learned to grow used to changes. Academic wise I am an all “A” Student, I am also my class President along with being in the Student Council. I take several extra curricular courses such as Health & Fitness and Old World Studies. My extra curricular courses such as my Health & Fitness have really developed my mind into thinking about my future and what I want to do eventually. I have the eventual dream of going into a life of Politics and I hope to win the Presidency one day. I think if my girlfriend and friends were to describe me they would describe me as funny, smart, kind and patient. I have been nominated each year since sixth grade to be the Honor Student and have always made straight “A’s” during my 10 years in school! I am easily known on meepcraft for my extensive ban history which surprisingly hasn’t had a single ban on it since February 22, 2017! That means it’s been two years since my last ban which I think can sum it up that I have changed a lot since I first joined meepcraft. I know I may be immature sometimes and I will apologize for that but I will always make the players my first priority if I am allowed to serve this great community as a helper. Thank you!
Why should you be Helper? I feel like I’m ready to take on the task on being a helper. Since my last application in January I have worked on improving my maturity and posting less hateful comments on forums. I do realize I have made many mistakes and have harmed players but I would like to personally apologize to them for the things I did to them. If I’m lucky enough to serve this great community as a helper I will be sure to take criticism and ask what I can do to improve. Since we have almost no players I can see myself helping by inviting more players to join or even helping the Admins decide whats best for the community. I’m gonna admit it here I’ve always wanted to be staff to help out players and other staff alike, but more than ever I think meep needs an active staff member willing to play for a while to get players back. I realize this is really short but I’ve never been good at papers or applications so Thank You and once again I’m sorry to those I’ve harmed.
What are your weaknesses? I will admit that at times I can be immature whether in my forums posts or comments in game but I’m trying to stop that in recent months I’ve taken to posting less on forums and commenting to people on discord or in game. My goal for 2019 is to start thinking about what I type before I say it. I also am too rash in my decision making which may harm a player who did nothing wrong but I will start trying to think things through reference the rules or even ask a higher staff member for help.
Please give any other information you might think is useful for us to know: I have always wanted to be helper and would be honored to be apart of the revamping of meepcraft. If you the players accept me to serve you.