Member Name TheTeaHasSpilled
Additional In Game Names: HolyRoseQueen, Tbhhalsey, Nightskygalaxy
How old are you? Sixteen
Location: New York
Do you have Discord? No
How many hours per day do you play MeepCraft? (weekdays) 4 to 5 depending mostly more
How many hours per day do you play MeepCraft? (weekends) 3 to 4
Have you ever been staff on this or any other server? No
References: Please give IGN's twister307,Ocifer,
When did you join Meepcraft? July of 2015
Introduction: My name is Destiny (Des for short), and I would love to be a helper. Something very important to me is helping people out and listening to their experiences and trying to help them expand their horizons. I have always tended to persist when it comes to jobs and other things in that such manner. Now more about me lol. I am a complete nerd for Greek Mythology and Fashion in general. I also love love love Twenty-one pilots. I tend to always be around on my phone or computer. I love youtube and vines... I spend a lot of my time on tik tok which has become an addiction (it is terrible) id like to think I'm a pretty comedic person who is very honest and also very open to new things... I like to learn about things from the past a lot for some reason and I'm obsessed with the 80s and 90s and Also forgot to mention I am a Netflix and Hulu fiend half the time. I love Drake and Josh and Friends and all types of old tv show... I'm not good at introducing myself because I'm fairly awkward but I hope this will do!
Why should you be Helper? I Should be a helper because I am very open to new ideas and I'm very polite... I also really love helping other people and I've been on the server for many years so I would love to try and find ways to make it bigger again. Mostly, just be able to be there for people and this is something I am very adamant about always doing. am also very persistent and like I've said I like to help out a lot and I like to help people with problems and help them expand on new ideas. :)
What are your weaknesses? My weaknesses have to be I tend to be very honest and I'm terrible at math. Also, my time management is the best but it is definitely something I can maintain.
Please give any other information you might think is useful for us to know: I have a Job IRL but it is only two to three times a week from early in the morning till around 3/4 and on those days I'm not as active. Also if I get the chance to become a helper I will definitely get discord since I don't have it at the moment.