Member Name Ocifer
Additional In Game Names: Liampuffles, FridayLaughs, Crownsgaming, and about everything else you could think of. Alts are ImNotMagi and Doodlethatvine.
How old are you? 16
Location: Colorado, USA
Do you have Discord? Yes
How many hours per day do you play MeepCraft? (weekdays) 9-11
How many hours per day do you play MeepCraft? (weekends) 10-12
Have you ever been architect or builder on this or any other server? Yes
References: Please give IGN's _Peero_, Blendyz, TheTeaHasSpilled, CluelessKlutz, Llamazon,
Introduction: Hi, my name is Liam, but otherwise known as Liampuffles or Crownsgaming, but my current in-game name is Ocifer. I promise this addiction to changing my name has stopped. I'm going into my Junior year of high school, and I'm excited to get back into the swing of things as well as keep my dedication to Meepcraft. In school, I participate in Band, playing the French Horn and Mellophone, as well as Drama, involving myself in our theatrical productions. I've been involved in Theatre for over a year, going into my 11th production. I hope that acting and theatre will eventually become a career, as it has already made itself a passion in my heart. Aside from band and theatre, I have recently involved myself in Choir, improving my singing ability. I still need some work, so you won't hear me singing in discord. Hopefully. I like listening to Rock, Pop, and throwback music that is usually considered embarrassing to others (i.e. Big Time Rush, One Direction, and The Jonas Brothers.) I am not ashamed to express who I am, as I believe everyone should feel excited to be in this world and be who they are. Over the past few years, I've thrown myself into situations to practice my leadership skills. I take high responsibility and seriousness when it comes to being a leader, but I have no problem backing down and letting others take the lead. Not only that, but I love to be apart of a group and enhance our overall productivity, kindness, and effectiveness.
Why should you be Architect? I've been playing on Meep for four years, and I've seen our highs and lows. Although I wasn't in an executive spot, I've always felt the responsibility to stay and participate, as well as motivate others to believe in the server. Currently, we're in a dark age as our activity has reached a lull. I have so much hope for the following years as I truly believe Meepcraft's upcoming revamp will introduce various reasons and features that will attract players back, as well as pulling in new players to our server. I care deeply for Meep, even when we've hit rock bottom, and I would love to help the server revive itself through builds, and any other ways I can.
What builds have you completed on the server and where might they be located? I have two projects that are both still works-in-progress, however, they're free to anyone to take a look at.
My creative plot is at -39, -24, being the four-plot modern-themed build. My pictures include some features from this plot.
My town, Hampshire is public to see in Towns world. Side note: the original design was not invented by me. The root of the town's building designs began with PandaManC9, and has a feature built by Oldchopper. I did continue with this style and block choice and expanded upon the town, eventually editing and constructing the majority of the town. You will not see any pictures in this application of my town, as it is Medieval themed, and I have much more to offer than that style.
Please give any other information you might think is useful for us to know: This is obvious, but school year is starting to come back around. This will impact my activity, as I have after-school commitments on top of school. However, my activity overall will not be extinct, and I am committed to building for Meepcraft.
How much experience do you have using Voxel and Worldedit? I am proficient in both Worldedit and Voxel, however, it's been about a year and a half since I've used Voxel and will need a small refresher to kick back into gear.
Build Picture Uploads:
Build Picture Link: Ocifer's Architect Application