I'd love to see there be more staff interaction and engagement. I believe a lot of the player's faith in the community and the staff came from the interaction and events and discussions between players and staff.
Take the suggestions thread - suggestions arent really discussed much. Threads are put out there and they usually end up with "Yeah that sounds cool" or "no, we wont or cant do this because of X, sorry." Before I would see staff meetings to discuss the worth of a suggestion and the community had faith in the staff to not only put effort into their own suggestions, but to engage with each other and either change or redesign suggestions to make more sense or new ideas would come off of each others threads.
Same with in game chat. I used to see staff ask what people thought of X change. Surveys happened, discussions happened, and there was little to no toxicity. Why? Because I think people felt heard. I'd really like to see that again.
Even when suggestions were denied, there was almost always a clear reason why [would not logistically work, conflicts with other ideas or plugins, too buggy, simply not possible, not worth the time or not enough interest]. Even a denied suggestion that you put effort into was a little disappointing sometimes but worst case you knew why it didn't happen and that was super cool. At the moment since there doesnt appear to be much done, suggestions look like a hole where ideas go to die, and thats upsetting.
As dumb as a minecraft server being important sounds, but meep was super important for quite a bit of my life and helped me with my first job, built up my confidence speaking to others, I helped in group projects in staff, I built my own projects with big towns and shops that didn't go well bc I knew jack about how an eco works. But it was fun and I was so more than willing to stay up late every night here. I'm cautiously optimistic. Ive already expressed intrest to klutch that I'd like to help [although the conversation was dropped midway through which admittedly made me more mad than it should've] and I hope that the community has opportunities to express what they currently want in a way that actually seems like ideas are being considered and in some cases implemented.