Splendy It's me, known by like 1 or 2 people. Ignored by infinitely more. I now have my own place, am a dumbass archaeologist. And fancied a bit of nostalgia.What's happened in the 2 years I've been gone for?!Oh and what the heck is a celebrity meeper?
SirCallow I have only been back a few weeks but there is a new jobs system in which you get paid by the server for mining, cutting down trees, etc. You can level it up and get more money and perks from it. Towns is now one server instead of two, not sure how long that has been in place. ImI definitely not the best for information but I have been trying to get caught up as well. Celebrity meeper and legendary are just titles that coorespond to the amount of trophy points you have on the website. Basically post and like amounts. I'm sure others can assist with further info here, just didn't want to leave you hangin! Have a marvelous day!
Splendy I have only been back a few weeks but there is a new jobs system in which you get paid by the server for mining, cutting down trees, etc. You can level it up and get more money and perks from it. Towns is now one server instead of two, not sure how long that has been in place. ImI definitely not the best for information but I have been trying to get caught up as well. Celebrity meeper and legendary are just titles that coorespond to the amount of trophy points you have on the website. Basically post and like amounts. I'm sure others can assist with further info here, just didn't want to leave you hangin! Have a marvelous day!~ @SirCallowOof rip Alpha and Beta, cool to see jobs back. Thanks for letting me know
Splendy hewwo~ @Toostenheimeruwu what's thisHello Spledie Pie~ @GroovyGrevousI'll break ur face let alone hearts or blocks xoxo
Splendy h~ @iiTzJDLBad opinion.dis is exoduslong time no see (・∀・)~ @ToostenheimerMust have been at least 2 years?! You good?
GroovyGrevous uwu what's thisI'll break ur face let alone hearts or blocks xoxo~ @Splendythanks for making me a bridge 2 years ago though
Marshy_88 Oof rip Alpha and Beta, cool to see jobs back. Thanks for letting me know~ @SplendyRIP Gamma imo
Splendy thanks for making me a bridge 2 years ago though~ @GroovyGrevousI'd make you a bridge anytime xDamn of all people to be back smh. Good to see you online again!~ @KlingWish I could say the same about you ;)Good to see you though mate!