UkiIsTrash Buy* * *I suggest you rename the thread to The Weeaboos of MeepCraft~ @GroovyGrevousI second this
oKCS I do not agree with the current decision and believe that the people should have more of a say in the outcome! Power to the people - Karl marx. Overthrow CK
SuperDyl I do not agree with the current decision and believe that the people should have more of a say in the outcome! Power to the people - Karl marx. Overthrow CK~ @oKCSYou're a little late to the party. If you really want the bank back, make a suggestion thread and give good reasons for its return.
oKCS You're a little late to the party. If you really want the bank back, make a suggestion thread and give good reasons for its return.~ @SuperDylman ive been banned for like 3 months im just screwing around on here`````````
SirCallow man ive been banned for like 3 months im just screwing around on here`````````~ @oKCSGreat way to get unbanned. Keep the faith brother. :cool:
Noahnda "The strength of a nation’s currency is based on the strength of that nation’s economy" -- President Richard Nixon #NoGoldNoProblems
SpongeyStar rip, where did all the bankers go you better have given them new jobs and some redundancy money
qazini rip, where did all the bankers go you better have given them new jobs and some redundancy money~ @SpongeyStarThey were sent away to an academy to become professional dicers.
SpongeyStar They were sent away to an academy to become professional dicers.~ @qaziniomg can I go there
SpongeyStar No, it's only for ex-bankers.~ @qaziniI.... I..... I'm an ex banker................................................................................(who loves to dice hehe)