Rules (Especially chat and towny) aren't very clear, this leaves it up to staff what is "breaking the rule." Here are some examples...
Example 1 (Towny Rules): I was banned for trespassing in a District (unowned plots too) in Legend (I was not warned or had no awareness of the ban). At the time of the ban, I was a co-mayor in the town and the player who banned me was only an assistant.
A couple of months later staff tells me that co-mayors cannot be banned from any plots in their town. (I agree with this as Co-mayors technically have the same perms as Mayors according to Meep rules)
Example 2 & 3 & 4 (Chat rules): Just today @cooey was saying the n-word in Nation Chat, he was kicked by @CaliWahine . However, when I asked @NinjaRoxy about this she said something along the lines of "Well you're in the wrong nation than" suggesting that what cooey did was legal.
However last night @qazini kicked me for saying the f-word in town chat claiming that it is not a private chat (I made sure that everyone online wouldn't mind). If anything /nc is more public than /tc.
Additionally, @Viperfan was muted last night for saying "Niggght" after being asked to say the n-word. I don't understand why someone was more harshly punished for simply saying "Niggght" than someone who said the n-word multiple times. Honestly, He shouldn't have been muted
Personally, I see both qaz's, Roxy's, and Cali's interpretations as reasonable regarding the situation with cooey. However, all interpretations cannot be considered true.
Additionally, the staff team seems pretty disconnected right now, a couple of other Meepers who I talked to also agree.
Although I am criticizing staff's decisions I mean to do this in a respectful way...