Member Name Guldurdir
Additional In Game Names: None
How old are you? 32
Location: Dublin, OH
Do you have Discord? Yes
How many hours per day do you spend on Meepcraft? (average) 2-3
Have you ever been a Tech on a different server? No
References: Please give IGN's CaliWahine otherwise I'm pretty new to the server.
Introduction: I play Pathfinder, love to play computer games, was in the beta for the Pathfinder: Kingmaker CRPG, currently in the private alpha for the Amazon MMO, New World. I spend most of my time between work and playing games.
Please describe your experience as a developer. I've been a professional developer for 14 years focused on web-based platforms that heavily utilize service based backends. I've dabbled into game dev over the years mostly with small tutorials in Unity and blender. Most recently I've transitioned to DevOps and am in charge of leading that transformation at my place of work for everything between process, tooling, and culture advocacy.
What programming languages are you familiar with? C#, T-SQL, JavaScript, CSS
What are you most proud of as your work as a developer? Being able to deliver highly performant solutions that work at scale. Most recently since transitioning into DevOps, through monitoring I was able to isolate a few key services and transition them to their own dedicated hardware. Even through this Thanksgiving season I haven't heard a peep from our servers alerts where before we would have to bring reserves online for even minor increases to normal traffic. A most proud moment from when I was writing business applications, would be a series of packages I helped design with one of our architects to help modernize our development process so we could begin to give our service platform a much needed upgrade.
How do you plan to enrich the experience of MeepCraft with your development contributions? I'm not 100% on the details of Tech responsibilities but I would imagine contributing to minor fixes at first to game code as I get familiar with the particulars of Java. Otherwise, shoring up integration points between the game client and web site as I've noticed there is some stale content between the two.
Do you have a GitHub account or personal website? If so, please provide the link(s) here. hoagsie - Overview
Unfortunately, the vast, vast majority of my career has been spent with private corporations and simply isn't public. I can give a linked in URL in a more private communication.