I had a marble.
His name was marbely.
He was a transparent marble, but had colourful dots studded all over him.
I had him since I was about 1. iInever swallowed him or anything, I just kept him in my hand at all times.
About 7 years ago, I put marbely in a small box, because I was cleaning out my room.
but then I lost that box.
the box was gone.
marbely was gone.
My dad said he threw some small boxes in the fire.
I was like
I was sad because marbely was always with me. I had so many memories because of marbely.
but then.
about 2 years ago,
I was cleaning out the garage again.
I found a small box.
and inside that small box was
never again will I lose him, he will be on my bedside table at all times.
that is all.