I feel like a broken record because I’ve given you genuine advice that I feel like hasn’t been clearly fixed.
My opinion hasn’t changed since the “tips for applying” thread, and I highly suggest you look over my comment there again. I made that comment directly on issues I’ve seen/had in the past.
You have to mature. And I’ll try to go into what I mean by “mature”, because I care enough about you because you care enough about the server.
You need to take the image people had when they originally think of Nuker or NukeLuke, and kill that image. In the past there have been instances where people in the community have baited you into making a fool of yourself, then laughing at the reaction while you go on and make it worse.
First step to at least appearing mature is being able to handle trolls. You have to be able to keep you cool. You have to be able to manage others. You have to be the resolver of problems, not the cause. Learning how to manipulate situations into compromise and agreement instead of widening gaps between cooperation and friendship.
Next is learning to see from others perspectives, and being accepting of others opinions/wants/needs. You mentioned this in your weakness section how you get into heated disagreements easily if people hold an opposing view. While it’s really cool and makes you feel good to make that amazing comment that utterly destroys another person’s view, that isn’t how you want to treat others. Back to managing people, learn how to keep situations from escalating. Transparently analyze situations from someone else’s perspective. Find out why they think their opinion is the best, then use the same thought process, and if you still believe differently; then, explain your view.
I may come back and edit more into this comment later, but this is the last time I’m offering help with any of your future applications. You have to start taking advice that anyone gives you; I’m not going to waste more time trying to give you advice when you are not going through with any of it.
-1 for now. Good luck!