Bug: Baltop listings of non-existent towns
IGN: SuperDyl
Date of Bug: August 20th, 2018
Summary of Bug: There are tons of towns and nations listed which don't exist for over 100 pages of baltop. The non-existent towns take up space starting at page 300 of the list all the way to 500 (the end of the list as of now). These not only clog up the rankings but are cluttered bits of unnecessary information which can only act to hurt the server instead of help it. I can also imagine such a system could be abused to some degree by players renaming towns/nations many times to increase the baltop list size which could decrease the server's performance when retrieving the list's information.
Evidence of Bug:
Additional information: These probably all came from towns which went bankrupt or were removed. This means the code probably doesn't remove entities from the internal balance tracker unless it is a player who went inactive. If this is the case, the fix would be to remove the old names of towns/nations from the baltop list whenever a town/nation is renamed or goes bankrupt.