Huge -1. People have put time and energy into making auto farms around their base inorder to sell or trade for emeralds. Taking this aspect out will simply kill the tens of hours of time spent making these. Auto farming is a part of the game and has already been nearly nerfed to the floor. Taking this out seems nearly as if the people that hate this just dont want to make a farm big enough that makes profit.
~ @JeterPan
If your drive is for emeralds to trade, this suggestion changes nothing.
I’ve hated /warp farming as an idea since the first day it was implemented because having people create mass farms then adding butt loads of meebles slowly into the economy with no effort at all after building such farms is stupid.
This, instead, rewards players for actually playing the game instead of just afking the great big farms they have.
And yes, I’ve spent plenty of time on my own autofarms. I still think this is the best way for farming to work.