Member Name alex77034
Additional In Game Names: None
How old are you? 18
Location: Illinois
Do you have Discord? Yes
How many hours per day do you play MeepCraft? (weekdays) 3 - 5 combined
How many hours per day do you play MeepCraft? (weekends) 5 - 7 hours combined
Have you ever been architect or builder on this or any other server? Yes
References: Please give IGN's riri30
Introduction: Hey guys! As you know, my name is Alex, and I am a traveling enthusiast who lives in Chicago. I enjoy cooking with a lot of my friends and family and I also share a hobby in painting. In the summertime I love to garden to help provide me with the herbs and vegetables I use to cook with. Gardening helps me to save money and also was a hobby I could connect with a long time ago. In between school years or whenever I have time to myself I love to go places near and afar to create new memories. In times of my busyness I have an interest in Biology and am hoping to further study that field. My interest in Biology began freshman year in high school and soon manifested itself into what became a lot of my life a few years later. Although I like to study and work hard at most of these hobbies I believe the most important part of life is to spend time with the people around you through balancing work time and time with friends.
I've been playing meepcraft for quite a long time and have been a past architect too. I hope that soon I can slowly re-enter that position and can lend a hand when I'm available.
Why should you be Architect? I want to become an architect again because it's a position I miss more than I thought I would. The break was nice and is still needed in some areas of my life but I believe I can start building when I'm available. That being said, I hope I've gained the opinion in most staff member's eyes that I still deeply care about the staff team through thick and thin. I'm always enthusiastic to start building and planning new projects to make sure that the ball keeps on rolling and rolling towards future goals. I'm a hard worker and sometimes more eager than need to work at times too. I find communication essential while working on the arch team and love to hear staff input when finishing projects. I try asking myself: "What can I improve on?" and "What else could be done next time around?"
On a different note though, I think it's important to bring up that I'm willing to tone it down. When I was on the staff team and now that I've resigned, I've often been way too critical of staff members and I usually think that I always know which way we should go. Granted, I still do have my opinions on the way certain things should be run especially on the arch team, but if I come back I want to bring that down and ease it up a tad. Like I said, I'm still busy and can't build as hastily as I used to earlier this year but I hope I can contribute once again in this time when we don't have a lot of architects. Besides the way I've acted I want to reach out and go for another ride with all of you.
TLDR: I want to tone it down, be chill, and start building again for the server. ;-).
What builds have you completed on the server and where might they be located? Most of the builds I have are deserted in the arch world. (Which, by the way, I still have homes in LOL @Cluesslklutz).
Please give any other information you might think is useful for us to know: I'm a happy happy camper!
I didn't spend too much time building or preparing for this application because I want to jump right back in. If any of you doubt my building skills lol I'll whip something up for you.
How much experience do you have using Voxel and Worldedit? A hefty sum of knowledge!
Build Picture Uploads:
Build Picture Link: Here are some builds that I've completed and done outside of meep: Zoom Zoom I just noticed that my last application a year ago was posted on this same day. Nifty, huh?