Member Name Spiderjel
Additional In Game Names: Nick1pillow
How old are you? 14
Location: USA
Do you have Discord? Yes
How many hours per day do you play MeepCraft? (weekdays) 6-8
How many hours per day do you play MeepCraft? (weekends) 8-10
Have you ever been staff on this or any other server? Yes
References: Please give IGN's Hornemans,twomoo1119.
When did you join Meepcraft? 4-5 years ago
Introduction: Hi, my names Nick. Let me just sum this up. My life is dull and I'm going to try to make this as big as I can so you know what I do and what I like. I play lots of video games like Rainbow Six, Tf2, Minecraft, etc. I like to fish and hunt a lot of the time and play quite a bit of basketball. I also run a youtube channel called "Nick1pillow", *cough* *cough* subscribe. I'm good at editing and is someone who over thinks things a lot.
My real name is Nicholas, but everyone calls me Nick, Pillow, and Spider. Call me whatever you want. So that's my life summed up in a paragraph.
Why should you be Helper? But the reason I want to apply is that... I want to give back to the community that gave me friends, a fun game, and most important of all memories. But I also have a lot of experience that I would like to show and use in a positive way.
-Experience: I have been playing for a while and talk to staff which has told me how to do stuff. Also, on the other servers, I was staff on I was taught basic staff commands.
-Maturity: As a person who wasn’t very nice and mature in my past. I have become a lot more mature and nicer.
-Loyalty: I will not play any other game until my job as a staff member has been completed and finished.
-Attitude: My attitude is overall very relaxing and chill as long as I don’t snap and go crazy on you. But overall, I have a very laid back and confident attitude. In Intense situations, I will dive right in and try to resolve them.
What are your weaknesses? To be honest I really don't have any weaknesses.
Please give any other information you might think is useful for us to know: I may not have a long intro, but the more you get to know about me. The more you'll know me.