CasualMow ...comic book guy is also a fat guy...~ @EllieEllie... Kling is the strangest mod but also really fun ...
Muunkee ... Kling is the strangest mod but also really fun ...~ @CasualMowomg watching you try to do this hurts my soul
WhoNeedsJimbo ...carbon is necessary for life...~ @Peero..."The circle of life" is a notable song from The Lion King...
cooey ..."The circle of life" is a notable song from The Lion King...~ @WhoNeedsJimboThe Lion King features lions.
Kling We are bound by the cage of media control as the elites overlook us with joy. Keeping us mindless of what's out in the wild.
WhoNeedsJimbo We are bound by the cage of media control as the elites overlook us with joy. Keeping us mindless of what's out in the wild.~ @Klingnot how you play the game i think but ill go with it...Donald Trump hates the media...
cooey not how you play the game i think but ill go with it...Donald Trump hates the media...~ @WhoNeedsJimboCages are related to zoos.He was *kinda* on topicDonald Trump is president of the USA
Kling @cooey smart boy, you make your father proud.Donald Trump is president of the USA~ @cooeyPresident Bush doesn't care about black people. (Cookie to anyone who knows the reference)
alex77034 The telephone was invented by Alexander Graham Bell~ @agndThe smart phone is the new telephone.