Hello, It's LargeUnit or Large. This is my tutorial on the /shop in Meepcraft towny and wild!
This guide will be split into two parts on two separate threads. This first thread is directed towards people who are new to the plugin. Feel free to skip this part if you have a previous understanding of how it works and why we have it (though you may learn something you didn't know!). The second part will be released in a separate thread and will include a strategy guide that, if done correctly, can earn you a quick and easy profit!
*Please note there are current issues with the plugin including being unable to buy/sell certain items and a broken buyer's tax*
Part One - Tutorial:
Let me start with the most important command of them all: /shop! If you ever forget any of the commands I outline in this guide, just type /shop and you will be reminded of all that you have forgotten.
This display shows all of the different commands on the shop. I will be going over each of these commands briefly so you can have a better understanding of how to use them. I recommend reading over all of them because the ones at the bottom are easily the most important (imo).
/buy [maxprice]
This command is very self-explanatory. Fill in each of these boxes with:
[INDENT]1. /buy
2. the amount of an item that you would like to purchase
3. the item name
4. the MAX price you are willing to pay for that item (per each item, not the sum of the items).[/INDENT]
ex. After I typed /buy 32 stone 100...
This stone appeared in my inventory. *Don't buy more than your full inventory unless you know what you are doing. You'll likely lose a lot of the item*
Also, note that I bought the sum of 32 stone for 6.72 meebles. I payed 0.21 meebles per stone, not 6.72 per stone. This can be confusing because the number you type in as [maxprice] is a per unit price, not the price of the sum.
/sell [price per]
The opposite of buying! This command puts an item into the shop so other people can /buy it.
Once again, fill in each of the boxes with the following:
[INDENT]1. /sell
2. The amount of an item you are wanting to sell. You cannot sell more than what you have in your inventory. *typing "all" in the box will result in you selling all of that item which is currently in your inventory (shocking, I know)*
3. the item name *typing "hand" in the box will sell whatever you are currently holding*
4. the price per unit that you would like to sell at
ex. after typing /sell all hand 0.1 while holding stone...
If you are ever unhappy with a /sell you made, you can use /cancel to take it off (thank god!). Note that this is not free. You do not get refunded the 5% seller's tax you paid when you did /sell.
As with the previous two commands, follow these steps:
[INDENT]1. /cancel
2. item name
3. amount of item desired
ex. after typing /cancel stone 32...
This stone was returned safely to my inventory.
These Next 3 Commands are crucial and must be known inside and out in order to understand and implement the profit guide in Part Two (they are also my favorite commands).
/find, /stock, and /sales!
First up: /find!
/find [page]
This tool can be used in order to see all the different current offers for all items on the shop. I HIGHLY recommend using this before using either /buy or /sell. I often hear about situations where people are complaining that they spent something like 20k on 4 diamonds. /find ensures that you know what number you must put in the [maxprice] box so you don't end up overpaying. In addition, don't worry about [page], because you can flip pages after the command has been executed.
[INDENT]1. /find
2. item name
I'll use the stone example again (I typed /find stone).
I am currently hovering over the first offer on /find stone (there are others hidden beneath). The cheapest offer for an item will always appear in the upper leftmost corner of the pop-up. Since the lowest offer is $0.21/stone, when using /buy we must insert 0.21 or above as our [maxprice].
/stock [player] [page]
/stock can be used to see both the stock of a player or the entire stock of the server!
When /stock is typed alone:
[INDENT][SIZE=4]- The cheapest offer for every item will appear
- Includes the price and amount of that item
This is what it looks like:
As you can see, there are currently 8 pages of stock. I have it displaying page one. In order to view other pages of the stock, click on the nether star in the bottom rightmost corner. Hovering over any of the item icons on the display with show the amount and price of that item for sale at the cheapest price.
When /stock [playername] is typed:
(I used Pluto258 as an example)
This is very similar to /stock by itself, but it only displays the offers of that particular player.
Last but not least, we have /sales! Yay!
/sales [player] [page]
Just like /stock, sales can be used to see all sales or the sales of a particular player. I really want to emphasize the importance of this command if you wish to sell on /shop. It is integral to understand the items that are demanded and at the price they are demanded. Basically, if you flip through /sales and see that nobody is buying dirt, I wouldn't recommend selling dirt.
When /sales is typed alone:
This pop-up is very similar to /stock. To flip through the pages click on the nether star. To view how much of an item was sold and at what price, hover over the icons. This will also display the buyer and seller of the transaction. I will go into further depth in Part Two of this guide as to how to use this to your advantage in order to make money.
Finally we have /sales [playername] which looks like so:
(I used Pluto258 once again as an example)
Once again, this is very similar to /sales. I personally find this very useful when using it on myself. I will type /sales largeunit in order to see what I've been selling and to know what I should restock.
I cannot emphasize enough that you MUST know these commands inside and out in order to use the money making guide that I will present in Part Two.
Thank you for taking the time to read Part One - Vshop (/shop) tutorial! I hope it can help you out when looking to buy items or when trying to make a quick profit!
If you have any questions or comments you can reply to this thread, send me a message on forums, on discord, or in-game! I hope to see more of your names on /sales!
Also, be sure to check out Part Two - How to make Money using /shop which will be released soon!
- LargeUnit :^)