A few days ago i was playing on my mac (rip me) and a single player joined. It was Nonga(word) i didnt think much of it and did the command "/shout Welcome!" Then another person with the same name but different word joined. I though 'How cute! Matching usernames!' Then another, then another, and then another. The late meepers (cause it was nighttime) was laughing a lot in global and we all kind of watched them keep joining. Someone even said it was the first time that meepcraft had 80 players! Theyre were so many of them at the tutoial and spawn it was so funny. I msged a helper and they said they havent done anything bad yet so they couldnt really ban them. I had to go a few miniutes later because i had to go to bed. Some say that hornemans are behind it all. He is. He knows alll