Its not a rule. its a made up restriction made up by the community, not the staff team, and was eventually seen as a norm for everyone to comment. Nothing is wrong with mentioning your app, so long as its not like "go +1 my app haha" or some dumb crap.
its not a rule. it was never a rule.
~ @Muunkee
please tell me who said the rules have to be stated on the rules page for it to be a rule lmao
define a rule for me
one of a set of explicit or understood regulations or principles governing conduct within a particular activity or sphere.
staff are players. players are authority. players run this server. fuzzlr only administrates and profits off it. democracy
whether “the community” made it or not, I can assure you, many people have gotten denied for this reason, which is the bigger reason to deny it, mainly what I implied in the statement you chose to ignore. or atleast, if they were denied & they did adv their app, I can guarantee that would’ve been apart of the reason
if it’s looked down upon, shouldn’t you know not to do it? if you didn’t know that much, why are you applying for a position on this server? in reality people in the future are just going to say “he advertised (which is more or less what he did, bringing attention to his app) and got accepted. staff standards are uber low?”
he literally said to accept my app. joking or not, if I were two say this 3 years ago when my application was up, I sure as hell would’ve been denied.
I’m looking at both sides of the spectrum because that’s how the application process should be. Vexena was not entirely wrong in what she was getting at, and she didn’t seem good at executing a pretty strong point, a great portion of you are bird brained and always side with the majority. "Backlash" is irrelevant - whole server could be against me for all I care, if I see a good point I'll add onto it.
it’s about fairness and the way you put yourself out there, mentioning your application is a call for attention undeniably
does my application to Microsoft have to state that I cant have a felony? does the applicant know that other people with felonies have gotten denied? I know it’s not comparable, but you get the jist
edit: my apologies for the excessive commenting but this could ultimately help staff make a decision