Hello meepers and welcome to the introduction of this weekly (if possible)
wonder! You must be thinking who and what is economical point? Lets
start by the second question.
Economical point is a project made by a meeper
that will analyse data about meeprcaft with a new topic for each edition.
Who chooses the topic? You! On each edition, viewers get to comment an
economy related topic. If you want to comment but don´t want to make it
public, feel free to send me a DM.
Now for the first question: Who is the meeper? That question will not be
answered, this is because the topics I will be covering may be against some
people´s opinion and I do not want to recive hate on my account.
Finally, I would like to give out an apology if this is not the best written
introduction, I am very excited to start writing and I rushed this quiet a bit!
Next edition: Analysing Horneman´s wealth report!
Monthly Wealth Report March 2018