SpongeyStar New - 0Member - 5Active - 25Well-Known - 50Popular - 100Celebrity - 250Legendary - 500Top Meeper - 1000I think that's right probably wrong..You can find a list of achievements to complete to earn trophy points here
CasualMow New - 0Member - 5Active - 25Well-Known - 50Popular - 100Celebrity - 250Legendary - 500Top Meeper - 1000I think that's right probably wrong..You can find a list of achievements to complete to earn trophy points here~ @SpongeyStarYeah you got it right, altho top meeper is 10k i think
SpongeyStar Yeah you got it right, altho top meeper is 10k i think~ @CasualMowthat'd be a long shot, muunkee is already a Legendary and has 605 points. and the most points you can get is about 920