I hope you're trolling with this line otherwise you should seek help no joke.
~ @SirGiggly
i only came back to troll LOL you’re slow catch up
im not sadistic as doubtful that may seem at the moment, you took that out of context to make me look crazy, if you could actually interpret a metaphor you would know what I said simply means “stop arguing with me, you won’t win”
or am i
edit: nobody reads and interprets important points on this forum anymore, read everything before you respond to something online. you pick out the point you can actually get away with defending and this is why you guys get your feelings hurt. you take sides even if they’re spewing garbage
can u stop responding to me so i can leave
its not me being toxic, it’s me not having tolerance for hardheaded people. bans are private matters, klutch banned u 4 a reason nobody cares that u got banned woop dee doo
ppl love 2 get offended and promote ignorance it’s the entirety of our generation!!1
how many more different fonts can I use before I run out honestly
i died a martyr, cya in a year or so