CasualNuker 47k46,001 ANd i will have twomoo pay for it with the 300k in gold blocks I have~ @CasualMowMe and @twomoo1119 work together now with me co owning MooVille
twomoo1119 47kMe and @twomoo1119 work together now with me co owning MooVille~ @CasualNukerNo but technically I didnt legally take the plot. I simply seized ownership with his permission to protect mow’s items. The money is still his.
bloodyghost $48k$~ @CasualMowSo since you are permed, who is going to pay for the pwarp?Plus, Famouszamos already bid 48k, so please upbid and explain who will be paying or I'll have to disqualify you
Adam34falcon 46,001 ANd i will have twomoo pay for it with the 300k in gold blocks I have~ @CasualMowCould you like, stop? You're not funny, just plain annoying.
CasualMow Could you like, stop? You're not funny, just plain annoying.~ @Adam34falcon50k and I will have twomoo pay you with the gold blocks I have had stashed incase something like this happenend, He knows where they are and he will claim the pwarp and if I get unbanned He will give the pwarp to me Simple as reciting all the known digits of pie
Adam34falcon 0k and I will have twomoo pay you with the gold blocks I have had stashed incase something like this happenend, He knows where they are and he will claim the pwarp and if I get unbanned He will give the pwarp to me Simple as reciting all the known digits of pie~ @CasualMowSeriously?It's not funny. You are perm banned (and I'm glad you are). You are also a disgusting bigot but that's for another time. Stop being cancerous and get off this thread thanks.
bloodyghost @IzzSt @Summers @ekjhgekuie @CasualMow @CasualNuker @FamousZAmos 50k going once to CasualMow/twomoo1119