Member Name Courtneyyy
Additional In Game Names: N/A
How old are you? 23
Location: Florida
Do you have Discord? Yes
How many hours per day do you play MeepCraft? (weekdays) 3-4
How many hours per day do you play MeepCraft? (weekends) 3-4
Have you ever been staff on this or any other server? Yes
References: Please give IGN's Fuzzlr, EllieEllie, oKling, onceuponajano, KlutchDecals, andrewrobins, flamedemond2, CluelessKlutz, smkorpi, GroovyGrevous
When did you join Meepcraft? Feb 2014
Introduction: Hi, majority of you know who I am but if you don’t my name is Courtney and I am 23 years young! I have recently decided to go back to school to finish and obtain my BS in Information Technology with a concentration in Programming. I am currently living in Orlando, Florida where I work at a Women and Babies Hospital as well as a Children’s Hospital in downtown. My new job is super awesome, I feel like a real adult and get paid significantly more than I did with Disney which is why I actually had to quit. I sure do miss working at Disney but you always have to move up in the world.
I work in Guest Services at the hospital but I am currently looking into a new role as an NICU Secretary. In GS I deal with guests and patients, checking them into the Hospital and I am required to know where all hospital personnel is located at all times. A Unit Secretary is in charge of the floor itself so I would be over the NICU which is a dream of mine! People often ask me what are the craziest things I have seen so far and the one thing that sticks out the most is, on one of the first few days on my own, I saw a baby born right in front of my desk and I had to call for help over the hospital overhead. When you do, roughly 15 nurses come running from every direction because everybody has a responsibility in it, from doctors who take care of mom to doctors who take care of the baby. Another one was a GSW patient who came walking into the children’s ED and he jumped his butt up on the desk and was like “Can you help me I have been shot?” all nonchalant and mentally okay with multiple shots to his torso, he was however at a children’s hospital and not an adult one. Working at both Hospitals give me such an opportunity to see so many different things and different types of emergencies I really enjoy it!
Something new to my life as most of you have seen from my post a while ago my roommate and I adopted two beautiful cats they are so amazing and bring so much joy to my life. They’ve become such a service to me and helping with my anxiety it’s so amazing what an animal can do for you, kitty cuddles at the end of the day are the way to go!
Why should you be Helper? Considering the application tips and support is posted by yours truly I know you all have high expectations for this application so I hope to fulfill them. I have been around since early 2014 and since I joined I knew that staff was my forte so I went for it. I’ve been staff off and on for around four years! I have been all the way up the totem pole to Admin which was a joy ride for sure. Being a staff member is something I enjoy with my whole heart, sometimes way too much, but I’ll go into detail with that later. I’ve been here for many highs and many lows with Meep including the last reset but I never faltered and my heart was always there for Meep regardless of the tough times.
I thoroughly enjoy the time spent with new players and old, teaching and learning new things or new techniques. It never ever gets old because it’s fun to me. This server is something special and always will be for everyone who decides to stay and play Meep. I am a very firm believer in communication, not only to players but within staff as well. It isn't always what we expect because it sometimes causes issues when you try to pry information. Communication is such a big key with a server like this, making sure that players and staff are well informed of what you’re doing or what’s going on. I personally hate being left in the dark or left wondering, I like to know everything that is going on. However, with working at a Hospital, I understand that not knowing is sometimes a good thing because if you are too curious sometimes the outcome isn’t what you thought it would be.
Furthermore, I know you don’t have to be a staff member to help the server or help players, but being a staff member gives you the opportunity to do more for the server and help in more ways than that of a regular player. Before I applied I knew that I would have hardships. I would have to gain the trust and respect from the community and staff members once again and I hope that I have completed that task. I also reached out to a few and one question that stuck out was, “Would you mind starting from the bottom again?” My reply was simple; of course I wouldn’t mind, even as a previous Admin I wouldn’t expect anything else. My dedication to this server is by far more than expected as I often dedicated too much of my time to it. I will continue to learn how to use my free time that I dedicate to the server and not put forth my whole life.
I honestly never thought I would be writing another application. I never thought I’d have to resign from being an Admin but things happened and that was my only option. Which brings me to my next thing; my resignation has been, and still seems to be, a topic of conversation lately. Most likely out of curiosity. I was recommended for the position of Admin by a fellow SuperMod during a time where Fuzzlr and Klutch were super busy and was pretty much was given perms the same day. After being an admin for a week or two I was granted console permissions for the purpose of being able to restart servers when they went down, but learning it was slightly difficult.
Things were going well until suddenly they weren’t and they took a turn for the worse. There were many arguments and disagreements, but looking back on it I understand that things have a process and sometimes taking steps for a better outcome is something I should strive for. The high staff team is really amazing. I cannot express how tough it is and how much work really goes into this server, and that is something not every player gets to witness so I am extremely thankful for my time as an Admin and I aspire to return one day in the future.
Towards the end of my time as Admin, I had a phone call with Fuzzlr and we talked about things going on in the team and what we could try to do to help. At the end of the phone call, I decided that resigning was the best option for myself and the team so I made the decision to depart at the time because it was so frustrating and I was not doing my job as an Admin to my full potential. I never fully quit, I told myself I wouldn’t return until I could take a grasp on my life and my wellbeing. At the time of my departure I had many things going on, such as the lease at my previous apartment ending and my roommates and I were looking for a new place to live in downtown Orlando without having to spend thousands of dollars a month, which isn’t an easy task. I also had to look for a new job because Disney wasn’t paying enough to support me and all my bills. Even though the thought of leaving Disney was super depressing, because Disney was my life, it was all I knew down here in Florida but it was something I needed to do. Working for the mouse was the whole reason for picking my life up and moving it down here a few years ago was so that I could begin a career at Disney.
With all of that happening I was completely stressed and out my mind with things going on so I wasn’t exactly the greatest team player and I am so regretful. I know this isn’t and shouldn’t be an excuse for leaving but it is for me because life gets in the way and it happens you never know why or when it is never planned. During all of that, I felt that I completely failed as an Admin to my team and was a disappointment to the server so after some time away and a self-evaluation I am here a few months later applying to the staff team once again. I believe that you should work hard for what you want and I know that I’ve done it before so with the support of the community I can be right back where I want to!
What are your weaknesses? I have an attitude, I’m over-emotional, I have anxiety, I’m hard-headed, I overthink, I assume, etc. I have issues that I know aren’t great qualities but I promise I am working on them one day at a time and things are getting better. There comes a time in your life, maybe more than once, where you need to just take a step back from everything and relax so for the better of the server that’s exactly what I did when I resigned.
My work schedule is quite atrocious since it’s a hospital, meaning sometimes I can work 1st, 2nd, or 3rd shift so my hours are all over the place which means so will my activity. I may be awake and on the server during a timezone that is considered “useful” and sometimes I'll be around in my normal one it just depends. With that being said, it obviously means that I work a full-time job and I will be going to school as well so I will have to delegate my time wisely which in my opinion is a great thing considering I tend to dedicate too much of my free time to the server. With all of that being out in the open I know my personal issues and I am committed to working on them to be the person I know I can be for the community and I believe that with hard work and dedication I will be.
Please give any other information you might think is useful for us to know: I am super excited to share yet another application on Meep and please know how committed I am to doing right by the server and the team. Regardless if I am accepted or denied I want to thank you for giving me the opportunity to be on the staff team again, something I love and appreciate so much. I have always had Meep’s best interest at heart with everything I do and I know that the team is one big family so they also want the same thing too at the end of the day regardless of any disagreements. If any of you have any questions, don’t hesitate to reach out to me. Thanks for your time and reading my application for staff once again!