We have had a lot of ideas recently regarding town staff and the town tax. I have reviewed the suggestions and am going to list here the suggested update to the staff and town tax procedure.
Current system in Towns:
Mayor (Not Taxed)
Co-Mayor (Not Taxed)
Assistant (Not Taxed) Currently can assign VIP to town members
VIP (Not Taxed)
Builder (Not Taxed)
Recruiter (Not Taxed)
Mayor (Taxed)
Co-Mayor (Taxed)
Assistant (Taxed)
Builder (Taxed)
Recruiter (Taxed)
VIP rank name changed to "TaxExempt" (NOT TAXED)
Doing this will allow towns to add the TaxExempt rank to any town member, staff member, etc.
Also currently asssitants can give VIP to town members, this would change to Mayor or Co-Mayor only.
Lets us know by using the Poll and giving feedback below.
Also if we do this I think we would need to keep the tax free status on surrent town staff for a set amount of time so that towns have time to give VIP(TaxExempt) rank to town staff members etc.
let me know thoughts and ideas