SuperDyl Looking at these ridiculous prices, I'd rather stay with my efficiency 5 unbreaking 3 pickaxes than ever buy and use a nutcracker.
bloodyghost bloody is selling one for 5 milgl with that tendie~ @DarkKnight49xI am indeed, 5 mil or highest offer above 5 mil.
Cooleysworld I will sell mine for $4,000,000 ($2,000,000 for my Nations Bank, $1,000,000 for my town)The final million will be wiped from the eco! So you will be helping the eco as part of the buy. (Evil55555555 give some of that $$ back)
SirCallow I can offer assistance in nut cracking if that would be helpful. I've been going to the gym for the last three months, I think I could dish out some pain to whoever is bothering you.
riri30 I can offer assistance in nut cracking if that would be helpful. I've been going to the gym for the last three months, I think I could dish out some pain to whoever is bothering you.~ @SirCallowLegend