this is hilarious
even if it was a sibling, you still broke rules by tresspassing and if you wanted to go on discord and prove you were 2 different people you could have gone to any staff member not just cooleys
you dont deserve compensation and anyways its a game enjoy it
~ @Muunkee
1. How is it hilarious? If it was my alt, I would name it boombox321.
2. The original ban was for 3 hours for going to /pwarp market, how do I deserve more than 3 hours?
3. I do not have a microphone and my sister does not have a discord account
4. I didn't go to cooleys? Where does it say that?
5. How can I enjoy a game that I cannot play?
6. Even though having been banned for just over a day, 24 hours, I could have of made a ton of money, and guess what I am constantly being banned for? Legal actions or things that
I didn't do? Does that seem fair to you? Place yourself in my shoes.