smk Thank you. NEXT BID MINIMUM: 200k.~ @diamondkid123456You’re not got get many people to bid with 100k increments. I’d suggest you lower that
DarkKnight49x Normal price for a endermine spawner is usually 250k, so you won't make it past 300k with that kind of a auction. Better to do increments of 5k (like zamos said), or 10k
FamousZAmos Next Bid Minimum :150,000 ~ @diamondkid123456doing this is only going to make you less money xD
diamondkid123456 doing this is only going to make you less money xD~ @FamousZAmosJust stop dude. It's a rare item, few people are interested, 5k segments are not enough. be quiet or bid.175k~ @Pmx728Next Minimum Bid 200k -Current Holder PMX
Muunkee Just stop dude. It's a rare item, few people are interested, 5k segments are not enough. be quiet or bid.Next Minimum Bid 200k -Current Holder PMX~ @diamondkid1234565k increments can be the difference in a fair amount of moneydont be rude
diamondkid123456 301k~ @ViperfanViper 325k's for the next bid after that xD at this stage, PainCake holds the bid xD. Soz for not replying to announce the next minimum bid in time xDBIDDING OVER, SOLD